Home, sweet home!

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We got home in record time that's 135 minutes exact.
Usually it would take almost three hours to reach our home from the research base but as I said, I am awesome! So my cheers were enough to motivate soldiers to run faster, my grandpa thinks that it was because they were so annoyed with my chattering that they ran fast, whenever I am on the sled, hah!

As I said I can cheer them better!

"Mom!!! We are home!!" I jumped out from the sled and ran towards our little cottage that grandpa had built here for my grandma.

He loves her so much, I wish I could find someone like him for me because nowadays all the guy generation is annoying for me ahhh! I want a Victorian gentleman.

"Christy!! Come inside."

My train of thoughts stopped when mom called me. I looked at her smiling face and beamed.
She is really beautiful with long brown hair, blue eyes, ivory skin and perfect slim figure, she is stunning! Sometimes people assume us as sisters, at this thought I scrunched my nose ughhh! But I can't blame them, with my curvey  body and 5'4" tall frame, I look older.
I look more like my father who has red hair and gray eyes but he is tall 6 feet or something.

"Christy if you are not coming inside, I am closing the door." Mom teased.

She knows that I am always in my la la land and I am grateful that I have her as my mom or else I would have faced all the mental treatment but my parents are cool so they let me do everything and understand me.

"Coming mom. Where is Softy?" I asked with a frown.

"As usual hiding inside your bed's quilt. He hates cold." Mom laughed and I snorted.

"Yeah, yeah only he can do it. What a talented Husky, who hates ice and cold wow!"
I fake swooned and got up the stairs that led me in our porch and I entered in our hall-come-living room.

The cottage was not so big, it was cozy and homey. Grandpa had built only ground floor but after my birth, my father insisted to built more rooms, so now we have two storeys and an attic, with 6 bedrooms, two kitchens and three bathrooms total. Not so big!

I like the second storey more than the ground floor because the view from up there is stunning. My room was far away from other rooms and had the biggest window in this house.
I literally flashed and ran all the way up towards my room.

"Softy, Cuddly... My Boo..!" I cooed.
And there he was! Sleeping in my bed. He looked at me and gave me a husky grin.

"Hi baby! What are you doing?" I jumped at him, he was a big boy now. Almost 5 feet big.
He sniffed me and tilted his head, asking
"Where were you?"

"Ahh! I was out boy, you know, the usual. I made a friend today, polar bear but he was mean! He chased me Softy and was not friendly!" I fake cried and he woofed, soothing me.

"I know, I know, I have you, my cuddly bear!" I laughed when he licked my face and we were fighting for pillow now.

My father's voice startled me and I almost fell from the bed.
I looked at the door and saw him, leaning casually against the door frame, hands crossed on his chest.

Ahh! Interrogation time... I sighed.

He was concerned as always.
"Yes dad a polary chased me but you know they are lazy, nothing happened." I tried to avoid his scolding.

"Of course why not!" He retorted.
"Christy you have to be more careful. Last time you were chased by a wild dog and  now bear! You should never leave your grandfather's side alone, It's too dangerous."
After that I zoned out.
My dad worries like a mother hen. After four minutes when he did not stopped his blabbering, I got up from my bed and hugged him. This shut him up more effectively and with a sigh he hugged me back.

"Christ! I know you are brave and smart baby girl! But your recklessness worries me." He whispered and I tried to pat his head.

"O c'mon baby boy, momma is good!" I teased and he boomed in a laughter fit.

"C'mon dinner is ready." He said between our laughter and Softy started running to the dining room, which was at the ground floor.

"You moron! You can't win the race!! The chicken wing is mine!!"
I shrieked and jumped for a run, leaving my dad at my door, struggling with a laughter fit.

Softy tried harder this time and the bast*rd won. I huffed when I reached in dining room.

"Hey honey!" My grandma greeted me with her kind smile.

She was an adorable and beautiful lady. Her soft features, light green eyes and gray hair were perfect, she was perfect. She was not so tall, around five feet or something but she holds all the authority over everyone.
Her motherly aura was enough to tame any beast. I still wonder how she fell for my grandpa. He has a carefree persona, tall and brooding with his gray eyes and silvery hair that were dark brown when he was young. He was a funny man while my grandma was a serious person, opposite attract I guess.

"I am good grandma, how are you?" I politely replied and in return got a tight hug from her.

"Oh shut up! You are a magnet of trouble." She sounded worried and I huffed, sneaky grandpa.

"I am alright, all in one piece gran!" I rubbed her back and she looked at me with a relieved smile.

"Hmmm trouble again sweety." Mom said.
She was setting the table and I nodded my head with a sly grin and she winked at me.

"You ruined her you know Carolina!" Grandma tried to scold my mom but failed miserably.

"Yes! She is talented in that way gran, because she has me as a child so say no to  bore!" I mock saluted and we all were laughing when dad and grandpa came there.

"Dinner time!!"
I yelled and jumped for my chair, instantly grabbing my plate and ready to have my chicken wing when Softy whinned.

He was on his paws, giving me all puppy eyes and acting like an angel.
"You sneaky little devil! You cheated!"
I tried to hold my smile at his tactic.
But mom was already on her way to give him MY CHICKEN WING!

"MINE!!" I jumped to save my precious food.
But the goofy fur boll just jumped and snatched it from the plate, mom was holding.

"NO!!!! My baby!!" I cried and everyone was laughing now.

"C'mon he was the winner today! You are a soar loser." Mom teased me and set a new plate for me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I pulled my chair and glared at the stupid doggy, who was chewing my food with a wolfish grin.

"So dad how was it?" My dad asked and grandpa seemed to think for a second.

"I think we have found something Arthur. Something is buried there and it's ancient, may be a fossil. I am not so sure but I have the samples. Tonight I will test them and if my conclusion is right, then we will start the search." He replied in a calm tone but I could see that he was excited.
But for what? I just pray that it's not a fossil, I want an alien space ship yupp! That would be the search of millennia............

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