Ungrateful, cocky, hot headed...bitch

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After finding or I must say harvesting that shit out of that hole, I somehow managed to haul myself up after thirtieth attempt and was out of that trap.

I looked at my injured hand and decided that I should cover it so I wore the ripped glove back and looked around.
Everything seemed silent. I mean yeah everyone was sleeping so it was silent but for some reason this silence seemed eerie like I was inside a horror movie.

So.. what now.

Being a hot headed red head, I decided to head in the direction where that cocky bitch went.
I know I should not have but I was a curious person and I had a right to know that what kind of shit I had harvested from that hell hole, right!

I looked at the ground, there were no footprints on the ice but I found that the ice was melted in a trail line that was unusual when the temperature was low enough to freeze your blood so voyla, that bitch was headed to the north, I concluded and started marching.

The scenery was beautiful as the northern lights were everywhere. I kept trailing the melting path of ice and after a while I could see the hooded figure of that cocky penguin.

He was standing still while his hands were in air.
I frowned. He was hot!

And I mean it literally as I could see that the ice near his feet was melting like a candle in fire. But the strange thing was that there was no steam coming out of it. This shit was really something that was hell bent to troll any rule that I have been reading in science since I was a toddler.

He didn't pay any attention to my crunching ice marching and kept doing what he was doing.
Means doodling in the air.

"Excuse me! But I need to know what are you."
I directly came to the point as I was dying with curiosity.

The hood, the hollow, the spot of space where his face was in shadows, turned towards me slightly.

"Go away!"

A chilling, cold voice said. It was a different voice than I heard before from this shit. My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Are you hungry?"
I asked.

Now this got his attention and with a sudden whirly move he was standing on my face.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You. Human."
The same icy voice said and the hair behind my neck stood up but I remained unfledged.

"I said are you hungry as the animals are used to change their voices when they are hungry. And you said human, so I guess you are not human so the question is what are you and there is nothing wrong with me. I am a scientist and I need to know what I have harvested accidentally because I can't refer you as shit in my head forever and I am curious. But don't be rude again as I am not crazy as you have referred me before. I must say it's rude to talk in an old language and insulting someone whom you assumed have no idea what you are talking about."
I huffed and glared at the dark hooded face of this shit.

He, it or whatever, seemed a bit stunned with my awesome self that he didn't speak for about one minute.

And then, he just.. well, turned around and started walking.

"Hey, stop! What are you penguin! I need......."

My lips were moving but no sound came out of it, it seemed like my vocal switches were off. I tried again but no sound came out.

Shitt! What this shit had done!

So I did what I should have.
I ran towards him with full force.

He turned in an alarmed instance and I jumped and landed beside him and used my hands.

Talking in ASL to make him understand that I needed to know what he was and he needed to give my voice back before I punch him.

The hood regarded me with silence.

I kept repeating the gestures.

"What the fuck are you doing!"
It cursed and I smiled, gesturing back to tell him that I wanted my voice back.

With a huff the broad shoulders shrugged and I coughed.

"Wow!" My lips said.

"Hey, my voice is back! Thanks penguin." I beamed at him.


He just sidestepped me and started moving towards a frozen lake and I followed.

"Hey, didn't I say before, it's wrong to be rude. Just tell me what are you?"

I spoke while trying to match his long strides.

We were right over at the lake side when the hood stopped and I also halted.

He looked at something beneath and kneeled on one foot.

"Um.... What are you doing?"
I also kneeled beside him and was startled when a pearl like gleaming hand came out from the cloak.

The hand looked really strong and beautiful. It had lean, long fingers and the nails were tinged pink with a shiney polish like gleam in it that I wondered if this thingy was using some kind of nailpolish but if so then he was really fast. Who was I to judge.

His skin was really shiney and I could see the veins beneath the hard surface that looked like pearl and marble mixed in together.

I was examining the hand with brooding eyes when it came around my wrist and I hissed.


I was stunned, the touch of those fingers was burning, they were so hot like the person was burning with a high fever.

I was about to object that it was wrong of him to touch me like this without permission when the second hand came out of the cloak and it had a shiney big dagger in it.....



I hope someone will read this one

But if not...

I am reading hehe

I love this book😘😘😘😂😂🤹🤹🤹😄🤸

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