Starting of a new beginning

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"REALLY!!!" I shrieked and he laughed at my bewilderment.

"Yes! And tomorrow I am going to dig it out."
Grandpa was so excited and his eyes were twinkling with happiness, he was so passionate about his job that's why he chose to live in the most deserted place of world, just to do it fairly.

"I want to go." I pleaded with my best puppy eyes and I knew that he could sense that I would follow him even if he rejects so he just nodded.

"Yaaayyyyy!! You are the bestest old man!" I jumped and hugged him and he laughed.

"Yes, like you would have listened if I disagreed." He shook his head and I just patted my chest with a fake battle cry and mock saluted him.

"Aye aye captain! See you soon."

And I ran to my room for a good beauty sleep. After taking a long gulp of water, I was off to a dreamless slumber.

Zzzzzz!! Zzzzzz!!


Hah kidding!! I counted my fake snores just to bore my overactive mind but... Ughhhh! I could not sleep, I was too excited to go and dig that thing out. I know, I know it was normal for me because I was always excited because life is alive when you have excitement in your heart and that's the key of everlasting youth sooo I was a Peter Pan in my own Neverland!!!

Ughhh!! Sidetracked again, but what was that strange pull towards that place...

With these thoughts finally I fell asleep because may be my subconscious mind knew that after that night my life was going to be a jumbled hurricane....


Next day or I say night, I was woken by an overexcited furry Softy who was jumping on me with his tongue lolling out  from the corner of his big Wolfy mouth. He was too cute for his own good.

"Awww! It's a crime to be this cute you know..." I giggled when he licked my ear. I grabbed him and kissed his head, I always like his woodsy smell so it was a ritual for us that every morning he used to woke me up and I nuzzled my nose in his fur. Without this ritual our day seemed unlucky so it was an unsaid promise between us and Softy was always careful that it would be always him who woke me up. There were sometimes when I was already awake when he came to jump on me but I always faked to be asleep as I never wanted to disappoint him. Even my family knew about this routine of us that's why they never came to woke me as whenever they tried, Softy whimpered all day and scolded them for stealing his right lol.

I stretched while Softy growled at me to hurry up and I nodded.

"I am coming, go engage the seat with largest meal for us bud!" I patted his head and he gave me his famous "wolfish grin" and I winked, he winked back and ran.
I laughed and shook my head then went to freshen up.

After my bath and daily routine, I wore my knees length hiking boots with the warmest clothes I had that included a skinny jeans under blue snow pants and a full sleeved cotton top under a high neck sweater and a thick, blue fleece jacket, with gloves and protective mittens, I wore my favourite red beanie too and put some necessary items in my sling bag with sun glasses then went downstairs and entered in our kitchen. Mom and grandma were placing hot pancakes with my favourite homemade sweet coffee syrup. Softy, as we decided had taken the seat beside grandpa, where the tray of pancakes was placed.
I reached and we high fived, means I high fived while he high pawed.

"Good morning everyone!" I chirped and got a cheerful reply from my family except my dad as he was frowning over something.

"Hellooo!!! Same DNA is calling you papa bear!! Good morning have a good and blasting and awesome and..."  My list was going on when he snapped.

"Fine! Good morning!"

I looked at him carefully because he seemed off as it was not often when he was this grumpy. I looked at mom questioningly but she just shrugged it off.

Beside me grandpa sighed.
"Arthur, don't worry, I will be there and she is just assisting me."
I frowned, assisting???

Then I remembered.

Oh my God!!

Today was the BIG day!

"Dad! I forgot ughhhh.. my bad! Now, don't be upset I will not wander around and I will do as grandpa will say, I promise." I said with a serious face because I knew that when it came to my safety, my dad was always too possessive to let me go out and I really hated it when I had to be caged in my room because sometimes I was a bit "clumsy". Okay... May be a little more clumsy and careless But there was not a chance in hell that I would miss a chance like this to research on something unique.

Dad looked at me with a brooding look and I gave him my best "Papa's daughter" look so he could see how sincere I was.
He gave me a confused look.
"Why are you making faces like that!" He asked and I hissed in anger.
"I was NOT making faces, it was an innocent puppy look, you need an eye check up and your judgement is rude!" I huffed and tossed a pancake in Softy's plate that he caught in mid air and started chewing.

"And you! Eat in plate not in mid air. Where are the manners nowadays!" I grumbled and was startled when all of them started laughing, including the furry bafoon who was still chewing.

"Okay but promise me that you will keep your words and I am serious Chris! No matter what, you are not allowed to wander around alone, okay!" Dad tried to keep a straight face while still grinning and I nodded.

"So.. as now all is set, shall we?" Grandpa started to stand up and I followed him while rolling a pancake in hand and taking the syrup bottle with me.

"Hey, I wanted more of that!" Mom almost fake sniffed and I winked in return.

"I am taking this with me as in lunch I will be still having the pancakes." I replied with a mouthful and grandma shook her head with a smile on her lips and handed me the big casserole of lunch.
"See you all after my shift." I kissed grandma, mom and dad goodbye and ran towards our main gate.

"Ready soldiers!!" I cheered to our group of huskies and they just looked at me with a bored expression. Grandpa was loading the equipments in sledge and was silently laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him and he smiled sweetly in return.

"You never get tired of their ignorance." He commented while checking on belts and I shrugged.
"They don't ignore me you know, it's just they are speechless with my awesomeness."

"Right! They are!" He laughed and I huffed again and sat in the sledge, adjusting my precious casserole on my lap.

"So.. are we ready!" He sat beside me.

"I was born ready old man now haiiyaaaa!!! Go... Soldiers!!" I yelled and we took off to our destination.........

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