Cut me.. like butter

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So..where were we...

Oh, yes.. I was attacked.. I mean it I was ATTACKED.

I mean yes, it was my fault that I kept pushing an anonymous being but I was curious and now I was regretting every second of it.

I was too overwhelmed by this creature's burning touch that when I noticed the dagger, it was too late.

He freaking cut me.

The dagger was cold against my flushed skin and with a smooth motion, my skin was broke and I could feel my blood oozing out of the fresh wound.
I tried to break free again but the grip of those magnificent fingers around my wrist was too strong, not harsh but strong enough to make me realise that this penguin was in fact stronger than any human.
My focus zeroed on the dagger that was still cutting me, I could see that it had a silver shine but it was not metal. I could feel a cold, warm numbness when it digged deeper and I noticed that this dagger was working like it had its own mind because the person next to me was not pressing it, he was merely keeping it balanced against my skin and the dagger was working on its own. The metal was something that I was more interested in, it had cold touch but when it went deeper it felt like a warmth was seeping through my skin to my bones. This was an unearthly object.

Well, I was lost in my analysis when a deep sigh startled me.
The penguin sighed again and I looked at the hollow part of that bloody clock where his face was hidden.

"What? Just cut me like butter.. without asking." I mumbled while still examining the dagger and my other hand went towards it.

My words met with empty air while my other hand was on dagger. I tugged it and for some reason he let it go and now I had the dagger in my hand, free to examine the material further and from closer.

I was tracing the surface of the handle when the ice beneath us cracked and I heard a shattering sound. The frozen lake was breaking and we were kneeling on it.

"Shitt!!" I hissed and jumped up, I was running when I looked back and found that penguin was still kneeling. He didn't move even an inch. I grumbled and went back to him.

"Hey... Come on we need to go or you will be down in a minute." I said in a louder tone over the cracking sound. He seemed like he didn't listen, I sighed and grabbed his cloak from his shoulder and tugged.

Tug... Tug ..... Hard TUG.

fucking penguin, he didn't buzz.

"Do you want to die. You moron! You will be an ice queen again if you're not moving now." I shrieked when I felt the ground trembling.

I tugged again but he was too strong for me to drag behind. I was about to hit him when I heard something over the roar of breaking ice.

Neighing! It was a neighing sound. I looked around. It was next to impossible, I had never witnessed a horse in this area but may be now my ears were deceiving me.

Before I could react or do something to make the penguin come towards safety. The ice beneath our legs broke and now I was under the ice cold water.

It felt like thousands of needles were piercing me and for a second my mind went numb with shock. Instinctively my hands and legs moved for air but my nose was clogged with deathly cold water. My clothes were designed to keep me warm but now they were dragging me down. May be this was my end. I harvested a penguin and now I was going to drown because I tried to to save an unknown creature.

I tried my best to come up but could not as my body was numb with cold. I tried again but I felt too tired.

I opened my eyes, if I was going to die that I knew I was as I could feel my heart reacting to cold numbness, I wanted to see the nature and the beauty again. And may be I wanted to see where he was drowning because we both were going to die together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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