1.The Boy Next Door

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The traffic buzz around me was enough to make me rethink whether my decision of moving to Mumbai was a sensible one or not.No matter where you decide to settle,this fast paced human race will always make you want to strive faster and harder.I can only wish that I don't disappoint my life in general.It's always difficult to step beyond the shade provided by your parents umbrella.Soon enough you realize it's time you seek your own shade amidst the scorching heat of competition for survival.

I fanned myself with my hands and rolled down the window of my taxi.The taxi hadn't moved for past fifteen minutes and the uproar of horns provided no comfort to my ears.Everyone were eager to reach their destination and I was here to begin my journey.

India has always been my home irrespective of where I stayed.It provides comfort in a way I can never decipher.It reminds me of summer vacations when I would travel to Mumbai to visit my grandparents.I have grown up hearing the struggles our ancestors have been through for swaraaj.A country rich in historical and cultural diversity.I hope I get a place to write my journey in this place.

After a tiresome journey, I reached my apartment where I was supposed to stay.It was a lovely neighborhood with greenery around the lane.It was just the place I wanted for a home.Paying the fare, I collected my two suitcases and a few boxes,dragging it along through the gates.The watchman provided a brief smile.The lobby was clean and the building was well maintained.

"Let me help you with that-"

I heard a deep voice,kind enough to offer me a helping hand but my vision couldn't picture the man in front.These heavy cardboard boxes that I was carrying, blocked my straight view.That's when he removed the box on top allowing me to see who was the guy after all.

His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow. He carried an imperious nose and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw.His mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly, a-gleam with delight and the vigour of youth.His voice was infectious just as common cold.

"I guess you are the 'Door no.8' that everyone here has been talking about,"he initiated a conversation as we headed towards my apartment.I was glad he did as another minute of silence would have proved to be awkward for both of us.

"Door no 8?"I wasn't sure what he meant.

"Uhm- people in this apartment have this kind of peculiar means to refer to people who have shifted new.Dont worry this tag shall last only till they get to know you,"he chuckled as if it was some sort of personal joke.

"What was your's?"I asked him out of curiosity as we stood in front of elevator,waiting.

"Oh,don't even ask,"he passed a snide smile as he spoke.Now I definitely wanted to know what was the tag given by the people here.

"C'mon you can tell me,"I insisted and then with a 'ting' lift was open.We got in and he pressed on the 3rd floor button,probably he knew where was door number 8.

"Door no.007,"he answered.

No way,is he like the 'Boy next door'.I tried to be normal though I wasn't anywhere near to 'N' of normal.

"So I have got agent 007 beside me,"I tried my sense of humor.I don't know if I succeeded but he chuckled and I felt assured of not sounding dumb.

"I am bond,James Bond,"he mimicked the introduction that usually comes up in Bond movies.

I snickered, remembering the introductory line of the famous James Bond Movies.

With another 'ting' we were out of the elevator.The space was huge and clean.There were apartments that were adjacent and I couldn't remember if I had to take a left or right.

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