02. All Together

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Martin's POV

You would think that a crush would be over quite quickly for a guy in his 20's, but that's not the case with me and my friends. Hope has grabbed our hearts and she is not letting go.

I thought that we would get bored of her or find something that annoyed us because we are living with each other but she is the nicest and heartwarming person I have met except for the twins. She really doesn't stop surprising me.

Like every time I go to the gym to work out she is right there before me and sometimes stays after me even which is an achievement since I think I may have an obsession with the gym and I have to work out this often since I eat like a pig.

I still have my diet and stick to it but where other people have cheat meals every month or even more, I have one every week and I have to work that off. I'm not lucky like the guys not to gain so much. They eat as much shit as they want and still stay thin with minimal work at the gym.

It's been roughly 3 months since Hope moved in and so far we have saved up at least £1000 in an account for her. We don't need the extra rent money so when she does pay us we only take the bills out of it and the rest were saving as a present for her.

All our families are not rich but have enough money to live comfortably and not worry about bills and things like that so we can afford to do this for her and after everything she has been through, we know she deserves it.

She is at school right now and the twins are at home, I never call them by their names when they are together, only when I am speaking to each one or they are in the same room. It's really awesome sometimes being best friends with twins. Sorry started rambling there.

It's weird since I am 2 years younger than them and they are leaving next year but ever since I moved from a different side of the country to this university they have helped me to fit and find myself.

It's not like I had a bad childhood or family, it was just the case of me needing to get out of my small town and explore the rest of the world. I still talk to my parents at least once a week if not more as to not worry them.

The first year I had my fun but I didn't sleep with a crazy amount of girls. I would find one and if I could stand their personality then we would enter a sex only relationship since I don't necessarily want to sleep with the whole population of the school but I also don't want to spend my days in university being celibate. This way I would not be hurting anyone and the girls would not be brainless bimbos.

Out of us 3 I am the most outgoing and flirty, I like socializing with people and only rarely stay alone or need to be alone. I know for a fact that Mike and Mark like Hope as well but since Mike broke up with his girlfriend almost half a year ago, he hasn't been the same.

He doesn't laugh or smile as often but that changed when Hope moved in and we are all really thankful that she is in our lives and I can say that I am mighty jealous and envious it's Mike that gets to sleep in the same bed as her.

I know they haven't done anything since otherwise Mark would have started tearing his brother and we have come to a silent agreement that we all want her at the same time.

Something about the image of all of us pleasuring and worshiping her body makes me instantly hard and no matter where l am l have to find a more comfortable position to sit in or if l am in public l have to be careful not to flash my junk to anyone.

l am as confused as l am turned on by my thoughts. Me and the guys have never shared a girl or any feelings for one, not even the twins have fucked the same girl, as far as l know and that would be for sure the one thing l would do if l had a twin.

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