09. Friends First

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Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating and everyone who isn't. I hope you all get to spend some valuable time with your families or doing something you love (I know not all families are good).

I thought that I would post the next update as a little gift since I am swarmed with uni work and can only update this book right now! Don't forget that on Inkitt I have other exclusive books if you have read everything you like on here... (that's amazing if you have).

I love you guys and happy holidays!


Hope's POV

I guess I should have listened closer when current students complained about December, every other regular person is preparing for Christmas. Yet, here I am in the study room finishing yet another essay as it seems I can't get anything done back at the house.

There are only a couple of days left of this term and along with the fact that my birthday is coming up, Christmas and the end of my first term at university is all quite stressful. I am one of those very unlucky people to be born in the same month as Christmas which means I never get presents for each occasion but then again, I rarely got presents at all on holidays.

Holidays at my house were never a grand anything, we would have some food quietly and then 20 minutes later we would all be grabbing something to do so we don't have to speak to each other. It's not like we had anything in common, anything to talk about.

It was never like I would really call the house my home, there was always someone there who would make sure that I don't forget that I was just a foster kid. Even though you try to ignore the nasty things people say, you never quite manage to block out every single comment and one, or may of them make it inside your head.

I guess I am having some form of deja vu now that there are rumours going around uni about me, I thought that I would leave that part of me behind when I moved out and left home. At least now I have a house that I could stay in during the holidays so I don't have to go home, I mean I might have to stop by for half a day but it's better than having to spend a full month there.

"I'm going to head back, I'll finish this thing tomorrow night." Says Lily beside me, she joined me an hour ago to keep me company but she works better in her room, unlike me.

"I think I'm nearly finished then I'll just head home and catch a late dinner, might order some pizza." I think out loud and now that pizza sounds really good.

"We all know you're going to be having dick for dessert." She jokes and send a knowing smile my way, she loves to add these innuendos to any conversation we have. She loves the fact that I live with 3 guys and I've fucked all of them, at the same time.

"You know with all this work that everyone has, there hasn't been exactly time to play a lot." I reply even though she knows everything, I tell her virtually everything that happens in the house.

"For someone who could have the most exciting life, you're boring as fuck." She jokily replies as she hugs me goodbye.

"Feeling the love babe." I call out after her and smile as I turn back to continue writing my assignment. Even though writing all these essays and reports is not the most fun thing in the world, I know that I'm slowly working towards a goal and for at least a couple of minutes that makes me feel a little better about being here alone at night doing research and writing an essay.

I plug in my headphones and turn away from the study music and playlist, I'm going to need some more hardcore stuff to get this done tonight. I play my workout list, which does nothing but remind me that I haven't worked out in a long time. When you're off at university time gets away from you and it's so easy to eat takeaway all the time and not find the time to exercise.

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