10. Morning Love

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Hey my loves,

I promised that I would give you another update on the 1st of Jan and here it is! It is currently 2.30am where I am and I have celebrated the New Year and I am heading off to bed- I hope you all are enjoying the celebrations, no matter at what point in them you are!

I hope you enjoy this chapter as there are only 7 more to go before the Epilogue... let me know by commenting when the next update should be..! Anyway, I love you guys and thank you so much for the continuing to read my work even though I am way too busy with uni to write anything new!

Happy New Year and lets hope that 2019 will be the best one so far!


Hope's POV

If a couple of months ago I woke up to someone spooning me, I would have thought my foster brothers were playing a prank on me. Unfortunately, I know all too well what it's like being the target of their jokes and I guess I never realized how jumpy I had become until I moved into the house and I would randomly jump whenever I didn't see them coming.

So, a couple of months ago I would have kicked or elbowed the person behind me, however, weirdly enough just from the way he is breathing I can tell that it is Mike behind me but then again that wouldn't be a surprise since this is his bed. It might be a little weird that I refer to this bed and room as still his.

A part of me still sees this house as a part time thing, I still don't know how I agreed to share a room and bed with a complete stranger but I just wanted to get out of the house and this was all I could find. It didn't help that I was accepted through clearing so that didn't leave a lot of time to find a place to live, on campus accommodation was too expensive for me and this was really my option.

It's crazy how thing end up working out.

"Since when do you like cuddling all the time?" I ask since I can feel him waking up and there is just something about the quiet and calm atmosphere of waking up to him behind me. I can hear no noise coming from outside or from our phones, the curtains are shut so the room is dark and I feel like there is no one else in the world but us.

"Since you started sleeping in my bed." He replies with that panty melting morning voice that most guys have in the morning when they're not quite awake yet.

"So, you were never into cuddling before?" I ask but just because I'm curious, Mike is a guy who's been in a long-term relationship so it would be weird if he didn't cuddle with Alyssa like this. Even though it still feels weird asking him and talking to him about his ex, a larger part of me just wants to know him better so I'm willing to suffer through some of the ex-talk.

"You don't really want to talk about Alyssa, do you?" He asks and I don't have to see his face to hear the surprise in his voice.

"Well it's not totally to do with her. I want to know more about you, you know the little things like this and also I don't want you doing things just because you think I like them." I say because there is something worse than not cuddling with your guys at all, him hating every second of cuddling but doing it anyway.

"I think we're a little bit past the random questions, getting to know each other phase." He says as he shifts behind me but not to move away, he does try to get to turn to face him but I am just too comfortable on my side.

"You're never past the getting to know each other phase." I reply as I have seen my friends parents who have been together over 20 years still learn new things about each other all the time, I loved that. To see that even though you might know all their little habits, major secrets and stories, there are still little moments you discover through time that are another piece of the puzzle.

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