13. Kitchen Talks

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6 more chapters!

Hope's POV

It took us exactly ten minutes to arrive at the hospital and of course it also took us nearly as long to find a parking space. I have cooled down a little bit on the way here but now I am just plain worried and curious as to how the night is going to end like this.

Mike and I haven't spoke on this car ride but I can guess that he is feeling something similar to me, worry and anger. I have never been involved in a fight or known someone that was in a public fight before so I have no idea if and how the police is going to get involved in this. I just hope that this is the last place we're going to have to pick Mark up from.

"He's just been released so they're waiting for us at the entrance." I say as I read the message on my phone from Martin and I hear Mike swear as the ticket we just bought is going to be useless as we will be here for less than 10 minutes but we paid for a full hour.

"He better have broken his hand real good." Mike complains as we make our way through the large car park, as the only spot we found was the one furthest away from the actual hospital; lucky us.

"You don't mean that." I reply as I watch an angry Mike, I thought that he would be more worried but he seems to be sticking with anger. Looks like once again I am going to have to be the peace maker between everyone, which can get pretty tiring when you yourself are angry and want to ask the questions.

"Well if he hasn't broken his hand properly then I am going to break it for him." He replies and it's even worse than the thing he said before so I am just going to leave him be, so he doesn't end up killing his brother for getting himself in the hospital.

"We both know you're not going to do that." I say as we near the entrance and I think I can see their outline.

"Depends on why he was in a fight." He answers and it's a fair enough judgement as fighting is never good but sometimes it's needed, so Mark better have a good excuse as to why we have to pick him up from the hospital.

It looks like Mark and Martin are arguing about something as Martin stares at his phone and hi fingers move across it in great speed. Of course, I can't tell if that is his or Mark's phone because we all have the same type of phone which gets confusing in the mornings.

As they turn out way and see us, they immediately stop talking and returning to glaring at each other. I have never really seen them so the fact that in the last week or two there has been some kind of tension between them seems to have come out of nowhere. I do have a feeling it has something to do with Martin going on all those dates, maybe Mark feels angry that he broke our relationship. I have no idea what it is, and right now all I can do is guess.

Even if it is that, I don't see why the two of them are arguing about it and Mike seems absolutely fine that Martin is going on dates and is out of the house a lot. I have been spending a lot more time with Mike these past couple of days but then again, we have been alone. I have been avoiding talking to any of them about this for the past week and now as you can clearly feel the tension in the house between Mark and Martin, it's clear that avoiding the issue has not made it go away.

"You alright?" I ask Mark as we get close enough to them and bring him for a hug, he is still pretty tense but relaxes a little bit when I wrap my arms around him. He uses his free arm to give me a one-armed hug and kisses my cheek as we separate, he has not calmed down yet but I can see that he is trying for my sake.

"I'm fine, I've just broken one of my fingers and bruised my hands. I should be fine in a couple of days and the break will heal in a couple of weeks." He replies with a small smile as Mike and Martin start walking ahead of us, Martin not even looking my way. If I didn't know any better I would think that he is mad at me.

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