14. Swollen Lips

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Hey guys, I only have around 5-6 weeks left of university... like as whole! If you look at some of my books you'll see that I was doing my GCSE's and A-levels as well as writing so this is absolutely crazy that I'm writing this buuuuut I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter and keep voting and reading!

Hope's POV

"My bitch is back!" I hear someone shout behind me before I have to right my footing because someone has jumped onto my back. I don't need three guesses to know who it is that has tried to climb my back.

"You do love your theatrics Lily." I laugh as she gets off my back and goes to hug me properly. Everyone around is of course looking at us all weird because we are either getting in their way or annoying them with how loud we are. This isn't a damn airport for us to be having these emotional and loud reunions, but to be fair we haven't seen each other in over a month so it does feel like a reunion.

"Well where is the fun in life if you're not a little dramatic." She replies with that grin of hers as people push past us to get into the building, as we chose this very uncomfortable spot to meet. I hug her close and it's as if the last month never went by.

A lot has happened since I last saw her and even though we have been texting and in touch, it just isn't the same as grabbing some coffee or a drink and gossiping for a couple of hours. I know that she is dying for me to properly fill her in on my unusual holiday break. I did go home with Mike and Mark during the holidays and spent my birthday with them, well mainly Mike because Mark just wasn't himself during the whole holiday.

"We have like two minutes before he starts." I lean back and roll my eyes, as we both have our least favourite module this morning and it's really the last place we want to be on a 9am on Monday. Yes, we are the very unlucky ones to have an early Monday, and the one we hate the most at the same time.

"It's not like we're going to miss much, he doesn't teach us anything that is actually useful. I have never once done an essay that is on his lecture and actually used his lecture notes to write it." She complains and to be fair it's something that we have been saying for months now. Some lectures just feel like a big old waste of time, which I know I shouldn't think like this as I am paying so much money to be here but I can't help that some professors bore me out of my mind.

"You know we have to go, if anything we're just going to sit there and catch up quietly in the back." I reply because that is what we normally do during these 2 hours, we sit where he isn't always looking at us and take notes for the first 20 minutes but after that we just count down the time until our break.

"I did get some Christmas money so I can do a little bit of shopping while he tried to teach." She smiles and is once again excited about going to the lecture. Sometimes you have to improvise and try to somehow make these breakdowns inducing days seems like some kind of fun.

"I don't have the money for shopping but I will help you shop while we're in there." I say, excited as well because even though Christmas and my birthday have just passed everyone that did get something, they were well thought out presents and not money. So, I don't really have any extra money to spend. That should be taken as a good thing because I'm not very good at saving money when I have a lot of it, well more than normal that is.

I'm very good at budgeting and saving when I have nearly nothing, try to figure out the logic in that.

"I hope you didn't think that I forgot about your birthday present but my Christmas present from you is going to be to give me all the gossip you help back on in our texts." She brings it up once again, she really thinks my life is much more exciting than it actually is.

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