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Hope's POV

Looking down at that podium, I just see a sea of black robes but somehow, I can recognise my guy out of everyone. Today has been such a long time coming for him, all the hours and months of hard work that he has put into this has all led to this. I have only just finished my first year while he has been working towards this for about five years.

I refrain myself from shouting since weirdly enough, even though the room is packed with students and family all here to celebrate, everyone wants to hear the names being called out. It feels so weird sitting up here with his parents, almost bouncing in my seat with excitement as they move up the line.

It feels so natural to be up here supporting him, being the proud girlfriend who could just cry looking down, I brought tissues just in case. The whole ceremony has been quite long but I have been the cliché girlfriend and have been posting on social media all the time. I might not like posting my whole life on social media but at times like these I just can't help myself, I guess us millennials really do have a problem.

"He's very happy with you." Speaks Krissy, Mike's mother from next to me and even though they make me feel extremely welcome and appreciated, I always fear that I'm going to say the wrong thing and make them hate me. That hasn't happened yet and I lived with them for over a week.

"I'm happy with him too." I reply because it's the truth, we have our problems like every other couple but they're nothing compared to how he makes me feel every single day. I have become that girl who is obsessed with her boyfriend, he is all I think about and I won't even apologise for it.

Here at his graduation I am beyond proud that he is mine, we both have a lot of work in our future but like a couple of months when we made things official, I have enough hope to carry me forward. I am so excited for what is to come, it's weird that I can't wait for it to be 10 years into the future and for us to be in some completely different place in our lives.

Mike has already managed to secure an internship at one of the top companies in his field. Of course, he is not going to get paid a lot but this is his chance to start climbing up and actually make a difference, inventing is his passion and he amazes me all the time with the things he comes up with. While I have been looking for a part time job so I can at least make something, help with the bills even though I still get student loans, you can never be too safe with money.

We have all decided to rent a two-bedroom apartment as we no longer need four rooms or a house. Martin and Mark are on the other side of me, all of us here to support Mike at his graduation. He has just turned 23 so he's a bit older than all the other people on his course but as he took a gap year and then switched courses in his first year, he fell a little behind.

All of that just makes this moment all the more special. Knowing how hard he has worked to get here, he has told me many times how he has wanted to give up and just go into some boring job because he couldn't find one he loves. Now he is down there getting his first-class diploma in something that he loves, with a job already lined up and hopefully as happy with me as I am with him.

He looks very handsome in his robe as he is the next in line to get called out, I get my phone ready to take a video. I may be going overboard with how excited I am as his parents next to me are not both filming it but just his mother. I have found that his dad is mostly very quiet with the occasional moment when you can't get him to shut up, mostly after a couple of beers.

I have everyone that counts around me, except for Lily because of course she's not going to pay the fee to be here for someone she doesn't really know. I hold my breath as they call out Mike, everyone starts to clap like they have for everyone. Of course, I can't just clap so I stand up and blow him a kiss, while shouting at the same time. Not giving a single fuck as some parents and relatives give me the side eye because I am loud, this is only happening once so I can damn well be as loud as I want to be.

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