I Thought It Was You

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He pushed through the door and closed and locked it behind him. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he stared at me. He didn't answer me as he lifted me over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs. "Let me go!" I yelled as I beat against his back with my fists. He threw me onto my bed. He was about to sit on the bed when he saw my dress and the rest of my stuff for the party laid out. "Where are you going?" He asked, picking up the dress and throwing it on to the floor. "No-nowhere." I stuttered. "Where the hell are you going?!" He yelled, causing me to jump. "Trey's release party." I mumbled. "Give me your phone." He said, putting his hand out. I reached over and grabbed my phone and put it into his hand. He went through my contacts and found Trey's number and clicked the call button. "Tell him your gonna be late and to give you the address so you can drive there." He said, handing me the ringing phone. I put it to my ear just as he picked up the phone. "Hey Carter." He spoke into the phone. "He-hey Trey. Listen. Something came up and i'm gonna be a little late to the party so you can just send me the address and I'll drive there when I get the chance." I spoke calmly as Forrest watched me. "Okay? I'll text it to you. Is everything okay?" He asked as I breathed heavily. "Yup. Everything's fines I've gotta go. I'll see you later." I said, hanging up as a tear fell down my face. He climbed ontop of me and started aggressively kissing me. I pushed him away and scooted away from him. "Your fiancé is pregnant and your worried about me. Can you just leave me alone please?" I asked. He smirked at me and pulled me by my legs underneath him as he untied my robe, revealing my naked body. "Stop!" I screamed as he threw my robe onto the floor and started kissing down my neck. I reached over to my dresser as he kissed my breasts and grabbed my curling iron that had been plugged in for about 10 minutes and slapped his face with it. "Aaaggghhh!" He yelled as the steam rose from his face. I quickly got up and grabbed my robe and put it back on. He followed after me as I ran down the steps. He cornered me near my linen closet downstairs as I held the curling iron in my hand. "Put it down." He said coming closer to me. I took the end of the iron and hit him in his manhood, causing him to screech in pain as he fell to his knees. I began to run away as he reached and grabbed my ankles, causing me to fall on my face. He pulled my legs so I was laying in front of him. "Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled in his face as he pinned my arms above my head and yanked my robe back off. He let go of one of my arms and slapped me in my face, causing my cheek to sting intensely. Tears fell down my face as he held my arms down with one hand and slammed the other one into my opening. "Uggghhh!" I yelled in pain as he pumped two fingers into me. I wiggled one hand from under his arm and held onto my purity beads as he began kissing my neck. "Please." I cried as he pounded into me with his fingers. I lifted my knee and kneed him twice in his nuts, causing him to groan and slip his fingers out of me. I scrambled up and ran to the kitchen, grabbing the biggest knife I could find. I stood in position as he walked into the kitchen, one hand covering his pants and the other one dangling beside him. "Come any closer and I'll stab you." I said, holding the knife up in front of me. He smirked at me before speaking coldly. "This won't be the last time. Tell anyone, and that's your life." He said before walking out of the kitchen followed by the slamming of my front door. I dropped the knife and ran upstairs to my phone. I dialed Sam and she answered after two rings. "I thought you said you were on your way?" I panicked. "What are you talking about? I haven't even talked to you in a week." She admitted. What the hell? She just texted me saying she was on her way. "I know your mad at me but can you please come over?" I asked her. She sighed and a long pause followed. "I can't. Maybe tomorrow. I gotta go." She said. "You told me that you wouldn't mind if the date went well. I didn't talk to you for a couple days and now your mad at me? Well I'll have you know that I was almost just raped in my own house by your engaged, soon-to- be baby daddy blind date and was just beaten by him. All because I thought it was you at my front door." I sighed, hanging up the phone as tears fell down my face. My vagina was throbbing from his fingers and my face stung from his hands. I crawled over to my bed and laid down, crying into my pillow. What just happened?

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