The Party and the After Party

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I snaked my arms around his neck as he squeezed my waist, his face going into the crook of my neck. "I missed you so much." I said as his tears hit my neck. "I missed you too." He said, removing his face from my neck and leaning into me. As an instinct, I leaned into him, my lips crashing into his. I reluctantly pulled away, remembering I came her with Trey and the fact that we weren't together anymore.

Aubrey Pov

{A/N: Drake}

I had just entered Trey's release party and it was turnt. I headed straight to V.I.P when I saw Trey dancing with some girl in the center. As I watched for a little bit longer, my jaw dropped. Carter. The girl I fell in love with but had to leave behind when I went on tour. I shoved my way through the large crowd of people when I reached them. I tried to get her attention but it was really loud and she was surrounded by a lot of people so I grabbed her hand and lead her to a room on the far side of the building. When we reached the room, I closed the door and turned on the light, revealing her beautiful chocolate brown skin accented by her long wavy honey brown hair. I quickly pulled her into a hug, her arms around my neck as I placed my face into her neck, not believing we were together again. "I missed you so much." She cried as tears fell down my eyes. "I missed you too." I said as I pulled away from her neck. I stared into her eyes and we both leaned in, kissing each other. She pulled away and looked at me with a puzzled look in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She said,shaking her head before kissing my lips one more time and walking out of the room, leaving me there, speechless.

Carter Pov

I kissed him one last time and left the room. I couldn't do this again. Not to myself. Not to Drake. And definitely not to Trey. After Drake left for tour with YMCMB, I forced myself to try and move on and now that I've finally recovered, I can't go through that again. I made my way back to V.I.P and Trey was sitting down while three ratchet girls tried to talk to him. "Excuse me ladies. I don't know if you saw this earlier or not but let's make this quite clear." I said, straddling Trey and kissing him. His hands grabbed my waist as his tongue lingered through my mouth. I pulled away and looked back, getting disguised faces from the girls. "Whatever." They said in unison, walking away. I quickly got off of his lap, fixing my dress and sitting in my seat next to him. "And i'm the jealous one? I did come with you right?" He mocked me. I chuckled as I watched Aubrey walk out of the room we'd come out of, small tears coming out of his eyes. I put my head down as his eyes landed on me. And ofcourse, Trey saw me putting my head down. He took his index finger and lifted my head, leaning over and pecking my lips. When I looked back over, Drake's eyes were hurt and his jaw was slightly dropped. He shook his head at me and headed towards the entrance, leaving the party. "What's the matter?" Trey asked me as a tear fell down my face. I quickly wiped it away and put on a fake smile. "Nothing." I said, looking at him. "We gonna leave soon. Everybody kinda just hanging around, waiting for something good to happen and I know it's not." He laughed. I kept my fake smile as we both stood, heading to the entrance. He shook hands with a lot of people as we left and the Dj announced that Trey was leaving the building. Two large men followed us out and i'm guessing they were Trey's body guards. He headed to his car and gave me a puzzled look as I didn't get in. "I can't leave my car here." I said, heading to my car. He whispered into one of the guard's ears before getting out of his car and heading to mine. "My guards are gonna take my car to my house and I'll come with you." He said as he got into the passenger's seat. "How are you gonna get home?" I asked as I closed my door. "We'll figure it out along the way." I chuckled. I started up the car and drove to my house.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter in my pink VS push up balconet bra, my gray pajama shorts, my black nike socks and my hair in a messy high ponytail. Trey searched through my fridge with no shirt on. I admired the light that glistened on his muscles as he licked his lips towering the food that occupied my refrigerator. He bit his lip as he took out my unopened bottle of whipped cream and the container of strawberries in my fruit drawer. He walked over to me and stood in between my legs, handing me the whipped cream bottle. I took off the seal that kept it fresh and shook it up, opening the can and spraying some in my mouth. I sipped my cup of patrone that I'd poured when we came in the house as he opened the strawberry container, putting one in front of my face as I bit into it. He licked his lips as I licked mine, removing the juice from the strawberry from my top lip. I reached down and kissed him, putting the whipped cream bottle on the counter and wrapping my arms and legs around his body. I pulled away and grabbed the whipped cream, spraying some on his lips. He smirked as I bent down and kissed his lips, sucking the whipped cream off of his juicy mouth. He pulled away from me, licking his lips and looking into my eyes before looking down at my body. He took the whipped cream bottle and sprayed some right above my breasts as he spelled 'Trigga'. I giggled as he started at my neck, kissing down and sucking the whipped cream when he reached it. "Don't you think we're moving too fast?" I laughed as he pulled away from my chest. "Nope." He said, popping the 'P'. I hopped off of the counter and grabbed the strawberries and whipped cream, heading up to my room as he followed. I went straight to my room and jumped on my bed as he followed. I placed the strawberries and whipped cream on the nightstand and laid back on my bed, grabbing the tv remote. He scooted towards me, laying in between my legs and kissing me. I laughed as I pushed him away, flipping through the channels on my tv. He went down and kissed my neck, holding onto my waist. "Stop." I mumbled as he nibbled and sucked on my skin. His hands moved down from my waist to the opening of my pants as he began rubbing my area. I quickly moved his hand and scooted a little further away from him. "Can we just... watch tv." I asked him as he looked at me with a puzzled look. "Okay." He said, laying next to me. I clicked the On Demand button, searching for a good movie. He scooted closer to me as I clicked on The Heat with Sandra Bullock. I clicked play and placed the remote next to me, getting comfortable to watch the movie.

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