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I entered the room to find a long table of judges. Trey and Drake sat next to each other in the center and they were surrounded by directors and other people to help them choose. My eyes locked with Drake's and I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I stood in front of the table as Trey and Drake kept their eyes on me, Trey smiling at me and Drake staring. "Name." One of the many people in the row asked. "Carter Blake." I said nervously. "Age." Another person questioned. Just as I was about to speak, Aubrey cut me off. "25." He answered with a small smile on his face. I looked down at my feet as I smile crept onto my face. "Do you have your résumé and head shots?" One of them asked. I nodded and walked over, sitting it on the table in front of them. They looked through my things and nodded as I had a stare down between Aubrey and Trey. "So you already know Aubrey then. It says you were in his music video about a year ago." I nodded and Drake whispered something into the man next to him's ear. "Okay. Well we're gonna need to see a little bit more than what you have on so if you don't mind." The man gestured. "You want me to take off my clothes?" I asked. He nodded but Aubrey stopped him. "She doesn't need to do that. She modeled for Victoria Secret. Would they accept her if she didn't have a perfect body?" He exclaimed. "No. It's fine." I said, placing my bag next to me. I began to unbutton my bustier and let it fall next to me before I took off my shoes and slip my bottoms off, leaving me in my bra and thong. "Would you excuse me for a moment?" Drake asked, getting up and leaving the room. Trey consulted with the people as I stood there. "Well we think you have the look but we still have many people to go. We'll write you down and call you by tonight if you were selected." Trey said. I nodded and put my clothes back on as he watched and the other people prepared for the next girl. I walked out of the room and made my way to the exit. When I was about to leave, I felt a tug on my arm and I was pulled away into the bathroom. Their grasp on my arm was tight and I immediately thought it was Forrest. "STOP! HELP ME!" I turned around and prepared for a blow but I didn't get it. "What's the matter with you? You're all jumpy and shit." Aubrey laughed. Tears began to fill my eyes as his smile quickly faded. "Is there something wrong?" He asked. I quickly pulled him into a hug and cried into his chest as he rubbed my back. "I can't do this anymore!" I cried. "Who is it?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I was about to tell him it was Forrest when I heard the beeping again. "Something keeps beeping. It happens everyday around the same time and it happens twice a day. Someone has to be following me." I exclaimed. "Can you just tell me who it is?" He asked me. I shook my head and leaned on the wall. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I don't want anyone to get hurt." I was crying into my hands as he pulled me into him and kissed me. I immediately kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Tears flew out of my eyes as he lifted me up and picked me up. He walked over to the largest stall and carried me into it, closing the door. He pulled away from my lips and took his varsity jacket off, laying it on the toilet before sitting down on it. I straddled him and began kissing him again, struggling to unbutton my bustier. I yanked it off as he began kissing down my neck. I quickly realized what I was doing and got up, stopping him from kissing me. The cramps came back as the beeping began again. I felt a sneeze come on as I sneezed loudly, a sharp pain forming in my vagina. "Excuse me for a second." I said, walking out of the stall and going into the one next to it. I pulled my pants down and what I saw was unbelievable.

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