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•silvana's pov // 2 years later

i stepped out my shower making sure i step on the mat, specifically. i went to my mirror and brushed my teeth, and washed my face on top of that.

another day of work. god, i'm so tired but i can get through this. i exit my bathroom and enter my bedroom and picked my outfit up, off the bed. i decided to dress cute and simple. but before i could get changed into it i went to my makeup table and did my eyebrows, added some foundation and put some fake eyelashes on.

i went back to my bed and put my givenchy top on along with my black pencil skirt. i walked over to my shoe closet and pick out my white louboutin heels. i pick up my phone from my night stand and my charger along with it to, adding it to my prada bag.

i'm not even gonna lie to you. being a physiologist pays really well, but i get so many clients, majority teenagers because their moms are just worried about how badly they're growing up. i put most of my attention on them because if they're mentally banged up they can stay like that for a very long time which is what nobody wants.

once i finish my breakfast i grab my bag off the table along with my car keys and drove off to work.

i smiled knowing i have a session with ivana today. she's one of my favourites. i love talking to her, her life is so interesting and fun. she reminds me of me when i was 16.

i arrived at work and parked in my usual spot, stopping the engine. i discharged my keys from the ignition and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and exited my car. i enter the big building in front of me.

"good morning ms monteiro" i turned my head to the right and see olivia smiling at me "hey liv, how are you?"

"tired dear, i need to retire already." i laughed at her because it was true. she's too old to be in this office. she needs a break. i continue walking till i reach my office and enter it. i placed my coffee and my phone on the table in the middle of my room and ran through my schedules for the week.

monday : 12:00 pm - jonas everton
- checked

tuesday : 13:45 pm - natasha goncalves
- checked

wednesday : 11:30 - oliver larkspur
-checked (two more sessions)

thursday : 12:30 pm - ivana roberts

i closed my book, and i hear a knock on my door. i walk over to it and open it and i see ivana. i immediately smiled and let her in.

"where's your mom?" i asked

"she had some errands to run so she said she'll come get with its time." i nodded my head and walked to the back of my room to grab her folder that held her information.

"how's life been, my lovely?"

"so shit, you don't understand. i went to this party two days ago and my ex was there and he was so drunk, he literally start—" she stopped herself from taking "i'm rambling again, aren't i?"

"don't worry, babe. you're just excited." i informed "keep talking" i persuaded. i'm so happy she's finally opening to me. in the beginning she was this shy girl who barely spoke a word, now she's pouring her heart out to me.


i got home from work and flew back onto my sofa spreading my body out. my head is killing me. i took my heels off one by one and walked to my kitchen cupboard and took an advil.

i grabbed my heels from the floor and went upstairs to my room and watched some tv and ate coco pops.


roll with my slime, yeah that's my lizard ready to slide, you will get slithered.

sorry i've been feeling gunna a lot lately.

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