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silvanas pov

"here" jessica says, handing over the clipboard.

i quickly sign my signature and pretend as if i didn't just see jacks signature along with someone else's.

he even brought a plus one? wonder who it is. probably johnson. i hand the clipboard over to waiter along with his pen.

"thank you, and right this way." he guides. we follow him up the stairs to the restaurant and opened the second door to where elias was holding his diner party.

"please, enter" he smiled, pushing the door open for us. we walked in and everyone was still chatting amongst themselves.

and thank god because i didn't want all of their attention on us for being a tad late. elias immediately noticed jessica and pulled her in for a hug. "i'm so happy you could make it." he said kissing between her ear and neck. damn. they're close, close. he let go of her embrace and noticed me.

"you must be silvana." he smiled widely, pulling me in a for a hug "it's nice to meet you." i hugged him back and smiled.

"lovely to meet you too." i replied, letting go of him. "please tables are there, pick any seat you want." he informs

me and jessica make our way to the table and see others. we chose seats beside each other and sit ourselves down. i admire the place and smile.

looks expensive.

admiring all the pictures on the wall, my eyes catch something more shocking.

jack, not with johnson, but with madison.

my heart started racing at the sight. what in the world?

i haven't seen them last together since.. since, the incident. a big lump of nervousness washes down to my stomach. i turn over to jessica who was invested in her phone.

"jess" i call, she immediately turns her head to me and i motion my head over to the two.

she gets the gist and looks the way i was motioning towards. her mouth opens in shock, and i laugh.

"holy, she's small." she says, which makes me laugh again. i look at her again and analyse her. she really is small, and pretty, and angelic, and skin-

"girl!" jessica snapped, which breaks my focus. "damn, talk about analyser." she sasses.

no wonder why jack got with her. she's beautiful.

"didn't she cheat on him?" jessica asks. i nod but end up shrugged too because at this point i don't even know what's going on.

i sigh and pick up the menu and read it. i saw the first starters meal, and the price along with it. my eyes popped out of my head.

$250 for a starter?! i sighed and mentally face palmed myself.

why did i agree on coming with this girl?

i mean, i can afford it but, for a meal? i'm way better off buying a fit, and happily spend it. this meal just better be good.

i chose the steak meal and waited for jessica to pick. my phones buzzed on my lap and i picked it up to see who messaged me.

jack: you look good tonight :) stuck to the dress code i see

i raise my eyebrows and look up to where he was sitting and saw him looking at me, slightly. i smiled in response to his message and locked my phone.

he didn't look to bad himself. he wore a shirt which had a few bottoms unbuttoned with his sleeves rolled up, paired with ankle cut trousers and loafers. he really did clean up nice.

the hot mess kinda type. my phone buzzed on the lap and i looked at the message again.

jack: stop checking me out 😂

i roll my eyes. he needs to stop. he's here with madison, and he's doing this. i pick up my phone and text him.

me: focus on your date. leave me alone.

i look up to see if he's received it. he reads over the message and sighs, and locks his phone and shifts his focus back to madison.

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