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silvanas pov //song mood: mahlia - i wish i missed my ex

"what are you doing here?" i scrunch my brows. he shook his head and was about to walk off.

what do i do? what do i do? i huff and grab his wrist "stop, wait"

he sighs "i don't know why i'm here. i just thought you would be sleeping."

i look him in the eyes and i'm sensing that somethings happened.

"you alright?" i ask, with sympathy

he sighs and shrugs his shoulders. he just stood there with hurt written all over his face. i grabbed onto my door frame, closed my eyes and took a deep breath then exhaled.

i really shouldn't be doing this but, i just can't help it. i sighed and opened the door wider for him to enter. he gave me a little smile and walked in.

i look down at my feet and shake my head.

god, why do i give in so easily?

i sigh and shut my front door. i turn around and walked to where jack was.

"you have a nice home." he complimented

"thanks" i smiled. "do you live with anyone?" he asks and i mentally roll my eyes. what does he think?

"yes jack, i live with elmo and all his friends." i roll my eyes

"your sarcasm never gets old." he chuckles. hold on.

how the hell does he know where i live?

"jack?" i furrow my brows

"yeah" he replies and let's go of the souvenir that he was checking out.

"first of all don't touch my things" i scold. "secondly, how did you find my address?" he just started laughing. not a creepy one but a laugh that made me look dumb.

"you don't remember, do you?" he asks, tucking his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.

jeans? at 2 in the morning? typical jack.

"remember what?" i ask. he looked down at his nike's and back up at me.

"remember when we was in the hotel swimming pool, at johnson and i's first gig?" he smiles "before we got caught. we talked about where we wanted to live and you said you'll live here no matter what just because you was so fascinated by the little lights hanging from the roof." he smiles again, "you were just so dedicated to living here. you would talk about it so much."

"and your door number, well that was pretty clear. number 070. your mom was born in 1970 so i just thought it would have something to with that."

wow, he knows me. so well.

i fold my arms and i look down at my feet for probably the fiftieth time tonight.

don't fucking fall for his beautiful charms and features silv. he cheated on you

i look back up at him "what do you want jack?"

he sighs and looks me right in the eyes "i got into a fight with johnson." i scrunch my brows. johnson is not the type to argue with anybody this must've been serious.

"and you left the house too. damn, what happened?"

he cleared his throat "i found him using my phone" he said. i raise my left brow and gave him a 'so what' look.


"he was blocking madisons contact." he mumbled. my facial expression changed to an 'are you serious' look. "why couldn't you just tell me this tomorrow?" i ask.

he just shrugs as his response. i roll my eyes. i sigh and start speaking.

"lemme guess" i say sitting up straight "you guys were probably trying to do something. probably writing, right?" i question, unsure. he nods in response.

"you was probably being distracted by your phone and texting madison. he saw, grabbed your phone while you left the room. you caught him, things got heated and you got mad and left the house, right?"

"that's pretty much right to be honest" he mumbled (woohoo)

"jack you're so complicated. i'm sorry if this is gonna hurt but you need to suck it up. she's moved on. johnson was trying to help you from being so attached. you guys have a great future ahead of you and all you're thinking about is texting you ex!" i exclaim.

"johnson has done nothing wrong in this situation. yeah he used your phone without your permission but okay, don't you do the same thing? anyways, you need to go back to you house and apologise to your brother because i'm not gonna let some stupid argument get in between you guys' career and friendship."

he just blinks at me for a few seconds. "what?" i ask

"you called him my brother." he smiles. i roll my eyes "that's what i always call you guys. now go!" i say signalling to my door so he can leave.

he gets up off his couch, adjusting his jacket and picking up his car keys. "thanks for that, i guess" he smiles.

i get off the chair and walk him to the door. i would be lying if i said i didn't want him to leave but i was never letting him stay the night here anyways.

"bye silv" he says exiting my home, about to close the front door

"see ya jack. don't forget. session tomorrow at 5pm." i say rubbing my eyes. he nods and gives my a quick smile before closing the door after him.

what. the. fuck. just. happened?


some drama inna couple chapters. stay tuned 😎

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