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my morning routine repeated again the next day, except right now i'm chilling because i don't start work till 4:30 today.

while scrolling through twitter a notification bar from messages popped up on top of my screen. i tapped it and opened it.

sorry babygirl but can you please come in early today please? there's a new client here and he was booked to see you and i didn't get the email till now x

just when i thought, i could chill for a little longer. sigh

me: yeah sure, give me 20 minutes.

i got off my bed and walked to my makeup table. thank god i put my foundation on already. i did my brows and put on my false lashes. i added a bit of eyeshadow because why not? it's friday. my favourite day of the week.

i walked over to my closet and picked out the outfit i planned to wear today

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i walked over to my closet and picked out the outfit i planned to wear today. i slipped on my ysl paris tee on, along with some nude trousers.

 i slipped on my ysl paris tee on, along with some nude trousers

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i looked at my body in the mirror and admired my figure. i've lost so much weight within these past two years and i'm so happy for myself.

i opened my shoe closet and took out my nude louboutin heels. i'm a fein for louboutin heels. i grabbed my gucci purse and slung it over my shoulder.

i picked up my phone from my night stand and grabbed my car keys. as soon as i got downstairs i immediately left my house and drove off to work, also making a quick stop to starbucks considering i didn't eat anything this morning.

i enter my work building and got another notification from someone. i checked my phone and slid the message across and unlocked my phone.

lunch today?


aunt mia's diner?

i was kinda craving some five guys

i want their fries tbh but i really want aunt mia's milkshake😬

"good morning ms monteiro" i looked up from my phone and gave a small wave and smile and walked on, continuing to message jessica. i looked up from my phone and furrowed my brows realising olivia said something else.

i shook it off and continued texting jessica about lunch.

girl five guys has bomb milkshakes too. forgot about their peanut butter and chocolate flavour?

ugh yeah five guys it is then


see ya later babe, i just got into work.

i entered my room, still looking at my phone waiting for jess to reply.

see ya babe x

i locked my phone and shoved it in my pocket and looked up and saw male figure sitting on my chair. i furrow my brows trying to take him in. he was wearing a hoodie and it covered his face while his half highlighted hair hung freely in front of his face.

i know this guy...

my door shut and it made a loud thud, which made the guy look up at me.

no way.

his red, puffy eyes widened when he saw me and i had the same expression on my face.

"silv-ana" he managed to croak out. memories began flowing through my mind, while he spoke. i shook my head and felt tears urging to come out from the brim of my eyes.

i opened my door and ran to the bathroom before i made a complete fool out of myself in front of jack.

2 and a half years, since i've seen him and he randomly pops up now.

so much for 'what are the odds of bumping into him while i'm here' now i'm his whole therapist. i leaned against the sink and face palmed myself.

c'mon silv. you can do this. he's just another client, so talk to him like he is one.

i grabbed a paper towel and wiped my tears before they could dry onto my face. i looked at myself in the mirror and nodded my head and left the bathroom. i made my way back to my room and shut the door behind me.

"silvana pleas—"

"listen jack. it's alright, i'm good." i cut him off "let's just get this over with."

i sat down in my chair and grabbed a new folder making sure to write jacks name on it. i didn't want to ask him the normal questions i ask any other client because it would've just been weird, so i just got straight to the point.

"why are you here jack?" i shrugged. it took him a while to speak but he let out a loud sigh.

"madison cheated on me." he murmured. i dropped my pen on my paper and looked up at him. he was looking the other way at my beige walls. i put the notepad down on the coffee table in front me along with the pen.

"look at me, jack." his hurt filled eyes met my hazel ones. "how do you feel?" i asked

"hurt, betrayed—" i cut him off  "damaged?" i continued. he nodded in response rubbing his face and let a loud sigh.

"i loved her silv. how can she just do me dirty like that? after 3 years of our love she just ups and leaves as if she was tired of me—" he stopped mid sentence and looked up at as if he just realised something.

"oh my god, silvan-" he didn't finish his sentence but i already knew what he was going to say so i just slowly nodded my head in response.

"now you know how it feels huh?" i asked, sitting back in my seat crossing my right leg over my left one.

"silvana, look i am so sorry—"

"so now you're sorry." i shrugged, cutting him off. i shook my head knowing what i had said was unprofessional. "infact, forget i said that."

"listen jack. i know how you feel, it's not a great feeling. losing someone you love so much just because you felt you wasn't good enough. they sneak around behind your back, and you're at home thinking they're at work but really they're out there making love to the person they really do love." i sighed, stopping myself before i go any further

"listen jack, i know this feeling and lemme just tell you this now." i murmur "that feeling will never leave. no matter how hard you try. it's gonna be there."


damn, i never planned for their conversation to be that long. lmao

thanks for reading, my loves💘

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