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silvanas pov

i knocked on the door in front of me and it quickly swung open revealing my best friend, jessica.

"hey babe, you alright?" she asked holding the door open. i couldn't move, i just stood there and i felt the waterworks come through. i shook my head and brought my hands to my face to wipe my tears.

jessica let go of the door and engulfed me in a hug. she rubbed my back and brought me into her house. i sat down on her couch while she made her way to the kitchen.

i just took deep breaths to calm myself down. jessica later came back with two mugs in her hand.

"so babygirl, what's up?" she said sitting cross-legged on the other couch across me. i looked down at my mug and watched the hot chocolate evaporate steam.

"s-o my mom died la-ast night." i said having to accept the fact that she's no longer here with me anymore. "i came home to jack cheating on me." i shrugged as if everything was okay.

"oh my god silv baby." she coo'ed getting up off her seat to comfort me. "i swear to god i'm gonna stab jack at least 55 times and slit his motherfu—"

"jess, babe. none of that is gonna change anything. he'll still love that mads girl or whateve—" i lightly chuckled before jess cut me off

"no fucking way!" she yelled "madison. madison as in madison beer!" she stood up from me hella shocked. "that hoe from high school?"

"erm, i hope you know we went to different high schools?" i said, taking a sip of my hot beverage "oh yeah, shit."

"but, who is madison?" i asked

"her and jack. everyone's favourite couple. till she got forced to break up with jack because her mom didn't approve so jack was left heartbroken. which is when i guess he met you and you was probably the killer to his pain." watch her make that into a terrible joke. "get it, as in pain-killer." i rolled my eyes at her sense of humour.

"anyways, i'm guessing he got over her considering you guys were together for about 3 years." jessica shrugged "she somehow got in contact with him a couple months back, i mean it was her birthday not to long ago. she probably stood up to her mom saying she's old enough to make her own decisions whatever, whatever."

to be honest. i've lost complete interest in this story. my heart just aches. i just wanted to drop dead and see my mom again.

she would know what to do in a time like this.

thinking about it. what would she do in a time like this?

she would probably tell me to sit and talk with him and hear him out, but that's not happening anytime soon. then again, i have to be mature in this situation.

if i talk to him i'm gonna have to hear the truth and get myself hurt but it's better then nothing right now.

after hours of contemplating if i should talk to him. i grabbed my phone off the night stand beside the bed and found myself on jack and i's messages.



please, let me explain myself.

not ever text, just meet me at jackies café tmr.

thank you, see you tomorrow

fuck you about 'see you tomorrow'. i tapped the i button in the corner of jacks name on my phone and changed the contact name to 'useless'.

i locked my phone and pulled the duvets over my body and laid on my side not feeling tired at all.

maybe i just wasn't the right one for him? maybe my presence wasn't comforting as it was before? i inhaled and exhaled and let everything out.

i just wasn't good enough for him.


this chapter was shiteeee.


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