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Crouched down on the wooden floor that made up the gymnasium, a girl with an oval face, plump lips and honey brown curls let out a small laugh at one of the jokes the boy beside her had been telling her for the past hour. His name was Dan, short black hair, athletic build and caring blue eyes, Rhine suspected he had been trying to flirt with her but simply brushed it off and chose to enjoy his company.

Noticing they were down to their last couple of cups, the brunette jumped up, muttering something about grabbing some more before she was strolling out of the gymnasium doors and into the eerily quite hallway. Turning the corner which lead to where all of their supplies had been left, Rhine let out a short sigh as she smiled, spotting a picture of the cheer-squad that had been hung up.

Her smile was fond, showing off the crystalline white teeth she owned as well as the nude brown lipstick she had adorned herself with. A feeling of happiness welcomed her, making a sweet and bubbly feeling encompass her body at the thought of a normal life here in mystic falls. The moment, even though it was short, would be remembered by the girl for a long time, but not for the reasons she would of thought at the time.

Finally grabbing another plastic bag full of a beige polystyrene cup, the slightly happier girl found herself making her way back to the gym in an almost skip. Except what she found what she got there, was not what she would of expected on Seniors Prank night. Once her free hand had pushed at the heavy doors, her eyes found that many of the students she had been accompanied with for this evening were leaving.

Letting a frown take over her features, Rhine stepped further into the room, hardened amber eyes searching for someone she recognized. When they landed on the silky chestnut locks that belonged to one of her closest friends, the confusion etched across her face became more noticeable at the sight of an unknown man stood rather close to Elena.

"Elena? What's happening? Why's everyone leaving?" Rhine questioned, eyes seemingly drawn to the unknown man as she stepped further into the gym.

The two figures seemingly turned towards her at the same time as they were drawn away from whatever they had been previously doing. A look of worry crossed Elena's face, whilst the unknown man smirked at the sight of the curly locked girl. With no answer from the girl, Rhine went to step forward but was soon stopped by a mix of a cry and a shout coming from the girl.

"RHINE RUN!" At the sheer force of the yell, the cups previously in her left hand dropped to the floor, a further crashing sound emitting from their spot as cups began to fall out of the bag.

Before Rhine could even process what Elena meant by her words, the unknown man was in front of her, his speed impossibly quick, even for her. The devilish smirk that was still etched upon her face made a memory tug at her brain before it disappeared completely, leaving the girl even more confused than previously.

With a hand that had once been stained in blood, the man with dirty blonde coils began to twist at one of her soft waves. In mostly confusion, but a hint of fear, Rhine stood still, hardened eyes staring into his own arctic blue ones. A feeling of comfort enveloped the girl in it's embrace when his finger slightly brushed against her cheek.

"Klaus, please don't hurt her she doesn't know anything i swear!" Elena pleaded from behind, snapping the pair of them out of their trance.

"Now, now love. I think she does know something." Klaus' eyes met Rhine's own again. "Isn't that right love?" The arctic blue orbs pierced into her amber ones, feeling as though he was looking right at her soul- that was if she even had one?

B E T T E R  M A N | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now