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Just as the two brunette's began to pull away from the other's embrace, the heavy doors to the gym swung open once more, only this time a gasp left the lips of the oldest brunette instead of a loud shout of warning. Rhine's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the detail, amber eyes peering over at the male that had just waltzed into the room, recognizing the man as Stefan Salvatore - who she believed to be Elena's boyfriend.

Only the amber eyed girl had spoken too soon, as once realization had fully crossed the brunette's mind she was pulling completely away from Rhine, even going as far as taking a step forward as only one name fell from her plump lips in what could only be described as a desperate whimper. "Stefan."

But the boyfriend in question simply ignored the girl, confusing Rhine even more. Why would Stefan be ignoring Elena? Especially if this was the first time they were seeing each other in months. She had been told by Elena that he had gone away over the summer to an island with no connections to the outside world to solve some issues, but given what had happened tonight - Rhine knew that was just another lie.

"Klaus." The male simply stated, focusing all of his undivided attention on the hybrid who sat, brooding on the stairs of the gym.

"Come to save your damsel, mate?" Klaus asked, voice laced with a sarcasm that Rhine could only respect.

"I came to ask for your forgiveness." Stefan answered, taking in another deep breath before he finished. "And pledge my loyalty." Once the vampire had stopped talking, a rather loud gasp fell from Rhine's lips, unable to comprehend the fact that someone as nice and caring as Stefan could feel loyalty towards the monster that was Klaus Mikaelson.

"Well, you broke that pledge once already." Was the only reply, the male looking away from the desperate brunette.

"Elena means nothing to me anymore." Stefan spared a small glance at the girl in question before he moved even closer to the hybrid. "And whatever you ask of me, i will do."

"Fair enough." Klaus brightened at the male's words, pushing himself off of the bleachers with a newfound positivity. "Let's drink on it."

As the hybrid spoke those four words, his heavy gaze found itself staring upon the curly haired girl, arctic blue eyes scanning over her curvy figure before they stopped at the honeycomb skin of her neck. "Kill them." He redirected his attention onto the suffering couple, pointing at them openly as they scrambled away in pure fear.

"What are you waiting for? Kill them." Stefan hesitated again, staying put in his place by the door as if he had been glued to the very spot.

"No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me. He already said-" Elena stupidly spoke up, trying to convince the man she loved to not do what Klaus wanted but was instead greeted with a slap around the face by said man. Her body went flying across the gym, twirling in mid air at the pure amount of strength that was put into the hit.

A loud cry left her mouth as she hit the floor, followed by an echoing thud. Instantly, Rhine was running over to the girl, pulling her into her own chest as if to try and provide a small amount of comfort for the trauma she had just been exposed to. Whilst this happened, Stefan went flying at Klaus, fangs out as he was ready to attack.

Amber eyes watched on in horror, recognizing the image in front of her from that of the mythology books she had been researching, which only confirmed the suspicions that lingered in her mind since the beginning of this dreadful night. Stefan Salvatore was a vampire. The hybrid fought back against the weak attack, hand wrapping around Stefan's neck like it had Rhine's only this time it would of killed.

B E T T E R  M A N | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now