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That night, Rhine cried.

Tears equipped themselves with armour of the highest-ranking, swords with the sharpest edges and bows with the fastest arrows. As they forced themselves over the barriers that had been trying to keep them locked away, and through the treacherous terrain put there to prevent their movement, Rhine began to break down. Sharp edges of swords dragged down her cheeks, leaving behind shallow lines of splattered blood in their wake.

The army broke free of their cages in battalions, each wave specialising in their poison to her body.

The first battalion was strictly armed with bladed melee weapons, their mission to draw fresh blood from their enemy. The second had bows with the lightest of arrows, so they travelled far across the mapped area of Rhine's body, taking with them her emotional scarring - their mission was simple, make the enemy feel as much pain as possible. The third battalion, arguably the worst, poured out of her with a determination she hadn't seen in the first two, they were quick to search and destroy anything good that had risen and attempted to take down the beasts.

Adriel had been there to comfort her, hands wrapped tightly around her smaller stature, keeping the girl pressed against his chest. He hadn't seen her this emotional since the days after the accident, and she certainly hadn't cried since then either. Sobs has quaked through her fragile being, leaving her tired both emotionally and physically, all the brunette had wanted to do was sleep, for a couple of hours, or maybe eternity.

But she knew that she owed Adriel an explanation. And so, she sat there, deep into the early hours of the morning recalling every single little detail of her 'trip' with Klaus.

That night Adriel learnt about the depths of the supernatural, not just within the small town they called home, but throughout the world.

Despite the spluttering words, wide eyes and heavy breathing, Rhine thought he took it quite well. "There's just one last thing." She swallowed, hands grasping at the half-drunk glass of water to soothe her sore throat. "The initials on my wrist, the N.M stand for Niklaus Mikaelson, apparently I'm his soulmate or something."

Water spewed out of the male's mouth, dripping everywhere as he attempted to stop the shocked gasp trying to leave his full mouth. A soft hand patted at his back gently, getting out the last few driblets of liquid before the man began to choke on his spit. "You're his what?" Adriel didn't even bother to clean up the mess he had made.

"Soulmate, supposedly." Her hardened voice was filled with anger, disgust flooding her veins at the thought of the hybrid in that way. "But I don't plan on talking to him again."

"H-how does that even work Rhy?" This is how it had been the whole night, question after question from the male, Rhine didn't mind, she had been the same when Klaus had explained all the wonders of the supernatural world to her.

"Honestly, I've got no idea."

Adriel simply shook his head, giving the hellhound a cheeky smile. "In other news, whilst you were off being kidnapped and making hybrids and whatnot, I contacted the school and had all of your work sent here." His hand moved across the coffee table, showcasing the large pile of homework, assignments and tests she had missed.

"Fuck," Rhine muttered, eyes widening at the heavy pile. "Yeah, and it's all due by Monday so you better get working missy."

B E T T E R  M A N | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now