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Thump, thump, thump.

The feeling of his heart still beating within her grasp would forever be engraved into her memory, even now, hours after it had happened, she couldn't forget. She knew it would never go away, that every time she looked down at her hands, down at those delicate fingers, she would see it. Still beating.

Still beating, still pushing out blood that was left inside of the organ as it sat, within her grasp. Rhine knew one thing for sure. That she never wanted to feel like that again. She was sure that she could still feel his breath on her, his heat, could still breathe in that musky scent of his. Or maybe she was just beginning to go insane.

Looking up, Rhine found herself momentarily distracted by the ominous figure stood not far from the vehicle. Klaus.

His voice carried in the air, but she didn't bother listening, presuming that he was simply talking to yet another one of his werewolf contacts. Where would they be tomorrow?

An outlandish sigh escaped those plump lips of hers, amber coated her skin, eyes wandering across the warm tones decorating the delicate fibres of the muscle beneath. She squinted, spotting something that she knew hadn't been there before. There, marked so precisely against her derma was another stark letter. The sharp curves of an M.

What the hell does that mean?

Thoughts spiralled into a heavy whirlwind of a tornado, impeding everything else in her brain, and taking over, taking control. Nothing else could come to mind, anything that wasn't seen as worthy to the mighty storm was sucked inwards, shot outwards and destroyed into finely cut particles of wind.

First there had been an N, stark against her skin. It came with no answers, no correlation, nothing of importance other than it's very existence. Then there was an M, following in the same footsteps of that contrasting N. Worry brewed inside of her, the smell of it floating through her, blinding her and wrapping itself so tightly that she couldn't focus on anything but.

Maybe this time, she would be able to coax the answer out of him.

The echoing sound of the car door jolted the girl away from her thoughts, amber eyes peering over at the original hybrid in questioning. Maybe this time he would tell them where they are heading. Klaus only smirked, a glint she hadn't seen before shining through his usually stoney eyes.

"Good news for you." His worlds only caught her attention even more. "Looks like you get to attend the homecoming dance after all."


Being surrounded by tens of sweaty teens in Tyler Lockwood's mansion was not how Rhine expected to be spending her homecoming, even being back in Mystic Falls after what felt like years away wasn't what she expected. No, she knew Klaus was planning something, something that she knew she would be dragged into.

For now though, the hellhound picked up her own red solo cup, the familiarity of the item bringing back memories of past ragers she had attended in this very same mansion. Though she hadn't been dressed so nicely for all of those other parties. Klaus has somehow managed to find her a dress that she didn't completely hate. The outer layer of the dress was a sheer black, with blue flowers adorning it, whilst the underlayer of the dress was a simple plain black bodysuit. Altogether the dress seemed to present itself nicely.

B E T T E R  M A N | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now