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Rhine was in a car.

The very first thing that she had figured out, once her mind had finally returned to a conscious state, was that she was moving. Well, not her personally, but whatever vector she was in, was in fact moving. The revelation scared her, since she had specifically remembered hearing Elena's screams before she had presumed herself dead. In fact, she had specifically remembered being flung across the room by one Stefan Salvatore.

And yet, she woke up in a moving car.

The next thing that she figured out was who was driving the car. This revelation scared her even more than the first one, in fact it terrified her. It would terrify anyone who woke up from an extremely near death experience. So of course, when Rhine turned her head to see Klaus Mikaelson sat not even a meter from her, sunglasses on, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh, she freaked out.

Desperation clear in her actions, Rhine first attempted to open the car door but came short when she realized the doors were locked, the girl then took to trying to turn the window down. But seemingly unfortunately for Rhine, Klaus had thought of that too, and the button was locked. Her next attempt was to try and kick the window open, she had adjusted herself so her upper body lay flat on the seat and her legs were in the air.

This final attempt was interrupted however by Klaus himself.

The hybrid violently stopped the car, causing Rhine to nearly lose balance and go flying into the dashboard. He then reached out for Rhine, who dodged the action by a mere second and pushed herself into the very corner of her seat- the furthest she could seemingly get from him. Klaus, who was very clearly angry (judging from the rather harsh glare Rhine was receiving), stared the girl down before once again reaching for her.

This time, she couldn't dodge him, she had nowhere to go. He dragged her body from her ankle until she was nearly on his lap, and she could feel his breath on her face.

"If you don't quit it with the escape attempts, I swear to whatever God you believe in, I will compel you to sit still and obey my every order." He growled, holding back his ever-growing rage. "Understand?"

Rhine could do nothing but nod her head.

He dropped his grip, leaving the girl to fall back into her seat with zero grace. Rhine couldn't care though, she sat completely still in her chair- even going as far as putting her seat belt on so that she couldn't upset the hybrid. His threat hung heavy in the air, and haunted her every thought. She couldn't even bare the idea of losing her will to live, not like Stefan.


The name of the ripper caused a floodation of memories to return to the girl, Elena's screams as her vision faded being one of the first things she thought about. Worried about the girl's health, the brunette quickly turned her body towards Klaus' the question ready to fall off her lips as they parted.

"Elena's fine, Damon rescued her from the hospital."

She visibly relaxed.

It was only then, as the car descended into silence once more, that Rhine became aware of the sharp shooting pain that ached through her entire being. She shifted uncomfortably, the bruises she was sure painted her body felt like someone had been consistently stabbing her sides. And her neck. Oh god her neck. She knew that it looked a mess, could feel the dried blood, crusty as it sat atop her skin.

B E T T E R  M A N | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now