Chapter 9 Sanctuary

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We looked at each other in sheer shock from what we had just heard. Safe zone... They sounder like words we would never hear again.

The sarge looked at us after his men searched our vehicle for drugs and explosives, I guess they still hold onto old tradition.

"You missed the explosion, it happened about an hour ago. The Sullivan Exit and the  off ramp are no longer there. Did y'all know about that?" I stare straight into the sarge's eyes.

"Son I doubt you and your friend here are military." He said looking at our gear, I could tell he was hiding something. "Yes we knew about it, because we blew it. One of our engineers was sent to set it up... But since you people are the second vehicle since the explosion. I'm guessing he didn't make it."

"We rescued that girl from your engineer." I snap stepping towards the sarge, his men raise their weapons. "that drunken idiot did his job, but no he didn't make it. I can personally say he didn't." As I finish my statement, the sarge closes the gap between us.

"You killed him didn't you?" His question almost a whisper. I nod.

He just looks me over and motions for us to enter our vehicle. "Take the next exit. You will see where to go, and don't speed. There are some sharp turns. Ask to speak to Captain Bear."

One of the soldiers moved the humvee back and parked it so our SUV could get through. We say our goodbyes and quickly drive towards the exit.

"Well that was also most more nerve racking than the explosion." Rose says, voicing everyone's thoughts for them.

"Yeah... But maybe if we join a larger group we will have more protection." I encourage them. One thing I knew we needed was hope.

Chase turns down the exit, we gaze at the town below. It was amazing. They had set up a perimeter using car bodies mixed with concrete pilings, and even sand bags. To be honest it should have looked like a war zone, but to us it was heaven on earth.

We stopped at the first pile of cars, neatly stacked three cars high, a road sign hanging from thick ropes, read Springfield Exit. "Chase the reports from the radio! They are still here!"

We came to aspace with metal doors on the out side was the only indication of an entrance. A scout sitting in the car hull on the top of the wall motioned to someone unseen to us. Several seconds later the doors were pushed open from the inside.

The SUV edged forward to a sign that said "stop here" with a nail spike in the road. So we stop.

One of the soldiers approached Chases window. "We were told to expect you. What officer were you told to ask for?"

I knew this was a test. "Captain Bear, where might we find him?"

Looking at us then to the small town. "He should be in the gas station to the right. Just look for him his name matches his description."

He nods and two of the soldiers removed the nail strip. Chase applies the gas and we are on our way to meet the captain.

Nina is fidgeting a lot in the back seat. "Daddy" she whispers. I look back. "Yes baby? Are you ok?"

She blushes deeply. "I need to take a potty break... Soon."

"I'll find you one while Chase talks to the captain. Just hold it a little while longer." I say as we pull into the gas station.

Sure enough we see a man inside I would call a bear, at least six feet tall, he had to weigh close to 250-300 pounds... And dear lord he was as hairy as a bear.

We all exited the SUV, me and Chase carefully helped Jamie out. She winced once but assured us she was ok. As we carried her to a booth in the old restaurant part of the gas station, Captain Bear and five of the men he was talking with looked our way.

"Captain Bear. We were told to come see you. We are the last people from the west to make it here." Chase states as if he in charge.

Nina tugs on my uniform. "Excuse me sir, but I see you have power, are your bathrooms operational?" I inquire.

Bear looks at me then Nina. "The power is only gonna be on for 5 more minutes. Same for the water so you better hurry."

With that said Nina runs to the restrooms, and I follow her make sure she stayed safe.

"So there are five in your group mr.?" Bear inquires.

"Chase, sir, and yes only five of us." Chase replies pretending to be in charge

"Ok well I am Captain Bear, I am in charge of this base. That means personnel and supplies. And from looking at the trailer you guys have been hauling. You have something we desperately need."

They need fuel... That's our ticket I think to myself as Nina and I walk out to join the others. "We can negotiate for the fuel later sir, is there any place we can stay?" I ask, cutting to the point.

Bear looks at me, "Yes there is only one room at the hotel here, or you can stay in one of the abandoned shops in town. There is a small pawn shop, it's empty but it would serve the purpose. You can chose, but don't move around, we have to keep track of our populous."

I walked to Chase, holding Nina's hand, Jamie looked at us as Rose sat opposite her. "Please don't split us up." Nina pleads to Chase.

"All those for going to the pawn shop, raise their hand." Chase casts the vote. Everyone raises their hand in unison.

"Well that settles it, the pawn store it is." He declares.

Bear directs a man named Jones to show us to our tiny piece of this sanctuary.

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