Chapter 15 New Order

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Thirty minutes had passed since someone had tried to get into our building. We all assumed that they had saw the building empty and moved on.

Chase lifted his head to see the smoke was lifting. "Let's go see if there are any survivors." He suggested to the others.

Despite my hate for the army, he was right. We had to help any of the civilians still alive out there. "Ok, Chase, John, and myself will go and look around..."

My words were cut off by Chase. "If you think I'm leaving my girlfriend unattended you are stupider than you look!"

"Yeah I agree with Chase." Manson piped in.

I stare at them, burning holes deep into their souls. "We all have people here we care about! Not just you two selfish dits. Chuck, Billy, John. With me. And may God have mercy on anybody who gets in my way."

Storming out of the store, with my pistol and dagger in hand. A split second later, Chuck and his son followed suit. John came last.

What we saw looked like hell on earth. Even with the smoke lifting, it looked like a seen from a horror film. Blood pooled around the men outside our shop. I saw Bear and spit on his lifeless body.

Bullet holes dotted the humvees, and most of the windows were shattered. I looked around the two humvees and found the keys on the bodies behind the wheels.

"Ummm guys... What is this?" It was Billy's voice.

I pocketed the keys and walked onto the road where the three of them were standing. Looking down I saw a large animal, possibly a wolf.

"It looked infected... But the virus hasn't infected any animals so far. And why would someone let them lose?" I say, voicing my thoughts.

"How did they not turn on their masters?" John added.

Gunfire up the street caught our attention. We left the dead... Thing where it lay, and moved up the road. We saw a van overturned in the middle of the road. I took a double glance at it and noticed someone crawling out of the wind shield. As we ran up to the van, John and Chuck gave me cover just in case.

Reaching around, the persons hand grabbed mine as I pulled him to safety. He wore a skull mask, and at that moment I knew he was an enemy.

In stead of reaching for a weapon. He lifted his mask... It was Private James.

"James, you betrayed your own people?" Seeing the wound in his shoulder made me stop, and begin to administer first-aid to his shoulder.

"Bear killed my wife! Don't you dare call him my people." He ranted. I focused on my job and cut a piece of his clothing tearing it into strips.

"He's dead, show some respect to the man who killed him." John snaps

"You killed him?!" He looks at me as I wrap his shoulder.

I ignore his question. "Bear wasn't military was he?"

"How could you possibly know that?" James looks at me suspiciously.

Tying the knot on his bandage, I move my hand to around his neck and pull his dog tags up. "Real military always wear them... And I am sorry the men who didn't return during your first raid... That was me as well."

James just pats my shoulder. "I am angry because of our loss, but you didn't know. And for that you are forgiven."

Gunshots up the street erupted in more screams and yells from unknown men.

"We are gonna go help your men, we have to leave you here. Are you gonna be ok?" I ask, handing him his mask.

"Yes, but keep the mask. It's yours." With that he passed out from the pain.

"Billy, carry him back to the pawn shop. We should clean up soon." Chuck tells his son.

I put the mask on as Billy carries James away.

"Any body in a soldiers uniform is a target. Let's go."

We began to run up the street. It looked like the soldiers were holed up behind a barrier of sandbags. Across the street the rebels were holed up.

A stand off. It seemed that both groups were avoiding the hotel. Which was a good thing.

I motioned that I was going to sneak around to the car closest to the sandbags. "Stay here." With that i take off running and slide behind the car. Peeking around the car, I see two men standing in uniforms, they were parallel to me.

Carefully I took aim and fired three shots at them. Quickly ducking, the car I was hiding behind was being ripped into by bullets.

The bullets stopped, I heard what sounded like metal rolling... Then I saw it. I grabbed the grenade and threw it behind the sandbags.

A moment later, an explosion erupted behind the sand bags. It sends bodies and chunks of metal and sand flying in every direction.

The rebels are cheering as they run out. John and Chuck reach me, I follow their gaze onto me... I see a chunk of metal the size of my dagger sticking out of the right side of my chest. My tan shirt turns red as they lay me down.

I feel hands on me, a slight sting in my neck... Then a peace. One of the final things I heard was. "He has to live... He's the cause of the new order..."

New order..... new order..... new order..... It echoed in my head.

Then all was black....

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