Chapter 12 Hope Hate Betrayal.

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The burial of the men that died in the bandit attack was a sorrowful one. Being new to the camp didn't make it any easier. Tears were shed by most of us.

Nina was in my arms crying onto my shoulder. I hated to see her cry, but at least she wasn't crying because of my death. "Baby it's ok." I whisper in her ear while I softly rub her back.

Nobody from our group slept good last night, afraid of night mares, and more scared the bandits would return while we slept.

* * * * * * * *

Captain Bear had spoken to Chase and I, he wanted us to meet him at the gas station we first met him in.

As we left the pawn shop, I looked back to see Rose and Nina fast asleep on each side of Jamie. She had become quite the mother figure in their lives, even for only being with us a short time. I flicked the ignition, causing the engine of our humvee to come alive.

"He called almost all the men to this little meeting, this is not gonna be good." Chase says thinking out loud.

We see there's a huge crowd of men around the gas station.

Stepping out of the humvee and walking across the road, we catch Bears speech. "We are going on the hunt for those demons! We as free people cannot live in fear. We as Americans will not stand for terrorism. So who will join me in our hunt?"

The crowd of men erupt in cheers and shouts for justice. With a few hand motions the crowd quiets down.

Chase and I look at each other, war didn't sound like a good idea, especially since herds of zombies could arrive any day.

"Information shows that they are holed up in the woods half a mile from our gates, as of right now we do not know how many there are. But we know that they killed 27 of our soldiers, 15 of those by hanging them. We are gonna make them pay!" He bellows.

Chanting from the crowd of at least 180 men became deafening.

Soldiers lined up behind the humvee Bear was standing on. "Any man that will join us, gets extra supplies, and ammo for your weapons. See one of the men inside if you will join the United States reserve forces."

With that said he jumps down and walks straight for me and Chase. He casually looks back to see almost every man getting in a line to join up.

Looking at us he begins. "Boys I don't know your names, but I know you have those girls to take care of. If at least one of you joins, I'll make sure there's a warm meal for them in the community center every day."

I stare past him at the men he just conned. "Look Captain, you were fair giving us the humvee and some small supplies for our fuel. But you have yet to show us any weapons. You bluffed, just like your bluffing now."

"You have everything figured out don't you boy! Well guess what, there's a war coming, and if you don't join. You and your people are gonna be outside our gates fighting for yourselves!" With that Bear stomps off towards the gas station.

Chase put his arm on my chest. "Man I know that look. Let's go to the girls and talk it over with them. We don't have much a choice if we are going to keep them safe."

Slowly nodding my head, I look down and realize I'm clutching my dagger. I holster it quickly as we turn to walk towards our humvee.

A group of men walk up to our us just as we get to our humvee. "Excuse me." One of them clears his throat.

We turn to see three men standing there holding their shot guns or axes. Weapons slightly better than ours.

The tall lanky man in the front came closer to us. "We don't want trouble, but we all have family with us to, and we know you boys are staying in the pawn shop. Look, the hotel isn't safe for our families, soldiers come in and let's say... Sometimes they find a woman alone."

I cut up into his dialog. "They call me Viper. What are you saying sir? That you aren't happy you are safe? Or what is your game?"

I had watched enough tv to know that if the man wasn't lying to us, he would get to the point and even beg us, yes I was being heartless but I didn't have any choice.

He stammers. "My names J..John. I'm telling you we have to get away from that hotel. We want to join your band of people, we aren't asking. We are begging. Please sir, I have a daughter.."

I look at Chase as he asks. "So your suggesting we let a group of how many people move in with us?"

"Six including us..." The short stocky man answers. "There were more of us, but luck didn't favor them."

Weighing my options, and the risks I finally come to a conclusion. "Bring some food with you tonight, and we will dine at our place. If we all get along we will see where we head from there. Deal?"

"Yes sir, thank you for a chance to prove ourselves. No ones done that for us yet." They shake our hands as we leave, introducing themselves.

John, Chuck, and Manson.

"We eat around five o'clock guys." Chase calls to them as they begin to jog towards the hotel.

Hopping in the humvee we quickly sped back to the pawnshop. Whipping into the parking and stopping on the dime. "Man I love this thing!" I look over and Chase is white. "Awww did I scare the poor baby!"

He glares at me as we get out. "Not funny man."

Giggling interrupts out friendly dispute as we walk in the door. We here Jamie. "Nina stop splashing. Silly girl let me clean you."


Jamie walks around the corner from the bathroom in a towel, thank God. She was beautiful, but we were all modest.

She grabs her towel to support it, she was drenched from Nina's splash attack. "Oh, hey I didn't hear you come in. The army brought by a tin tub and a five gallon bucket of water, so we are having bath time." She states through her blush.

I try not to stare, I walk to the corner and call down the hall. "Nina, baby are you there?"

She giggles. "Hey daddy."

"Be a good girl and let Jamie wash you off, ok?" I smile knowing the answer.

"Ok, then you can hold me tonight because I'll be clean." She says giggling again.

Chase looks at Jamie. "We have guests coming at five this evening, you have two hours to ummm get ready."

Jamie glances at us. "Well you two come back in, in one hour. So you can cleaned up. Guests means we all have to look our best."

She pushes us out of the door and runs back to the bathroom. "You know, I think that's the most excited I have seen her, and her leg is healing great." Chase says looking through the glass.

"Well I was looking into her eyes, I see what you were looking at." At my words he turns. "Chase it's obvious you like her."

He glances at me and then into the distance. "Yeah... I do. I'm gonna ask her tonight, to just be mine. Man don't say I sound all emotional because I know I am."

"The thought never crossed my mind, I'm happy for you, I'm sure she likes you back." I follow his stare into the distance. "At least she's beautiful not like those other girls you have tried to date!"

I pretend I am gagging.

Chase turns and shoves me to the ground. "You know what Mr. Viper. At least I used to have a girl and not be a freaking loser to every girl you every talked to!"

His words hit my heart like poison darts.

Chase holds out his hand. "Cameron I didn't mean that."

I slowly get up and start to walk away. "Save the water for me. I'll be back in time to meet the new arrivals."

"Cameron come on man I didn't mean it." Chase pleads as I walk the road into town.

Walking away was the only way to hide my tears. It's true I had never found love, but people always used it against me. I used to be made fun of because I had never had a girlfriend.

My only friend just betrayed me again...

Being betrayed did something to me. Hope turned to hate, and hate fueled every ounce of my being.

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