Chapter 24 New Comers

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Nina lay in the bed still running a fever despite the medicine we had given her. Chase and Jamie had united after their long separation, I was kinda happy for them. But it was now two days later and Nina only seemed to be stable... And I hated seeing my baby like that.

The weather seemed to fit my mood. Lighting popped, and thunder shook the pictures on the wall. And the rain poured in sheets upon our safe haven.

"Watch over her... I'm going to go help the men with sand bags." I start lacing up my boots while I talk to them.

Rose was in the bathroom taking a bath while Chase and Jamie sat and watched Nina. I could sit here and not do anything for her. It was driving me crazy, I could protect her from anything, but not illness.

Quickly putting on a black rain poncho, and pulling the hood over my face, I kissed Nina and walkout the door and into the rain. This truly was a God forsaken day. Lighting bolts traced the sky like in a horror movie. Only it wasn't like the movies... This was real and we all were living it.

The men I had selected to make sad bags were near the west wall. While the farmers did what they could do near the east, they were extending the farm area. One good thing about rain and all the thunder. It covered our noise from the herd that was still passing through.

I began to make my way towards the men, as I neared them I saw one humvee that was running. It was against regulations to leave a vehicle running, so I stopped and looked. A soldier, one of the few radio operators left, was inside talking into the humvees radio. Opening the passenger side door I hopped in and listened to the mans conversation.

Finally he paused and looked at me. "Sir, I've made contact with a group of survivors in a town not far from here. Are we accepting people at this time?"

He made it sound like a country club, but I ignored that. "Tell them to wait until this herd passes, then we will have an escort try to help them move... Soldier write down anything they have of use. I'll be back soon, don't leave this post until I return, but when your done chatting. Turn off the humvee."

With a solute he took out a pen and paper and began inquiring about anything of value they had. I hopped out and ran to help the men. They had already bagged fifty to one hundred sandbags up to this point. So I hopped right in, I grabbed a bag from a man in the hole they were digging and walked over to the pile. Stacking it carefully I made sure it wouldn't fall. As the day went on, we filled over three hundred sandbags. At that point we had to stop, the rain continued to pour on us, but the thunder and lightning had stopped.

After several hours I had forgotten about the soldier in the humvee. As I passed he jumped out and handed me a piece of paper in a plastic sandwich bag. "Sir when you have the chance I would suggest reading the list. This herd should be moving on by tomorrow, that's when they will be expecting our answer."

"Good work. Leave the humvee in front of the hotel and meet me by it after lunch tomorrow."

With a nod, he began to drive the humvee towards the hotel. Right now the only thing on my mind was Nina... I was praying she was better.

New comers was a blessing, but even then, I had to focus on my duties as commander, but my first priority was to my family.

And with herds coming from nowhere it was getting harder and harder to protect everyone.

"God help us."

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