The New Friend

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2 horses lead an ordinary Hylian family of 3 up to the very anticipated destination, Rito Village. "It's been so many years since I've seen my friend Wren! Last time we ever been together was back when we were young teens. I just can't wait to meet her again!" The mother exclaimed while her daughter, (y/n), held her by the waist firmly, hoping she wasn't gonna fall from the light pink horse. "Yeah, It's strange that I never knew you were close friends with a Rito. I mean I would always occasionally visit the Zoras, but the Rito were just so far away from our home that my family never bothered to travel there." The father replied. (Y/n) suddenly fell asleep as she laid her head on her mother's back, blessed without her small stress. That is until the horse abruptly stopped and shook (y/n)'s heart.

"Oh my god, you scared me, mom!" She shouted.

"I'm sorry that was my fault!" an unknown voice responded. Confused, (y/n) turned left and right until she saw a big bird flying in the sky. She had beautiful pink-toned feathers and purple highlights. For a first time seeing a Rito, (y/n) actually thought they looked pretty.

"Well, what do you know, it's Wren! I see you couldn't hold yourself from the excitement!" Her mom said cheerfully. The pink Rito safely landed down to the ground and cleaned off the dust from her feathers. She obviously looked hyped to see her close friend. "Aaand you are the same as ever, Marik! Nothing from you changed!"

"haha, Well you sure have! Well appearance-wise, you turned a bit fatter..." she jokingly nagged.

"*gasp* No, I have not, you dumbo!" Wren hesitated as if perhaps it was true.

As some boring minutes passed by, in (y/n)'s point of view, her parents finally traveled again only for a short while since Rito Village was actually very near.

When they finally arrived, Wren introduced (y/n) her 3 children, two of them were girls while one was a boy. the boy named Plover was the eldest being 13 while the other two, Poki and Pugu, were twins aged 5. Although they weren't exactly (y/n)'s age, who was 9 years old, she was fine with it. As her parents were distracted talking about adult stuff, (y/n), and the Rito children played out around the village.

"Oh, (y/n)! I forgot to tell you about my friends here" Plover the blue Rito stated. (Y/n) realized before there were some Ritos playing a strange game she's never seen before.

"Friends? We don't need friends that's why we're twins!" replied Poki. "yeah we have each other and we'll be together forever!" continued Pugu.

"don't listen to my sisters, they're weird," said Plover while he guided (y/n) by her hand. It kind of made her blush since it was the first time a boy ever touched her hand. "y'know, come to think of it. This is actually the first time I see a small Hylian here. You don't normally see that here in Rito Village". said Plover.

"huh, really? Well, this is my first time being here...actually, your mom is the first Rito I saw in my life."

"That's crazy!" responded the blue one. "Yeah, I know! I really like this place too! It just so fun seeing you guys fly, I wish I could do that." (y/n) said.

However, a Rito bumped into Plover, making him mad. "Hey! watch out, man!... Oh it's you."

Upon seeing who it actually was, (y/n) noticed it was a young Rito with a darker shade of blue. "Who is he?" she asked.

"That's my friend's friend, Revali, he's the shortest Rito of all. That's why I wasn't surprised he bumped into me..."

"Hey! I'm not short, That's just how I am for now...I'll grow up you'll see." Revali clearly despised him. Judging by his appearance, (y/n) assumed he could get annoyed easily.

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