At last, I'm Happy

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Sauntering back to Rito Village, the heavenly dressed couple discussed the current times of their lives, principally the reason why (y/n) ran away from home. The snow so tall covered their feet, leaving foot craters behind. The wind increased as they furthered into the entrance of Revali's hometown. 

"(y/n), why did you run away? The letters I've sent, I can only assume your parents found out about our relationship."

"No, it was very much worse. But promise me you won't come for revenge as of now he is nothing but a cowardly spirit..."

"What do you mean him? Who is he?" Revali dearly held her small hands to his chest.

(y/n) hesitated, "It was Remus all along. He forced me to do things I ever regretted. He forced me to hug him, he forced me to kiss him..." her lugubrious eyes watered, "I hated it so much. And I had to do it or else he would have told my parents about our relationship. I didn't want to see my mom's disappointment, I wanted her to be innocent, knowing I was her special Hylian and not a girl who fell in love with the one she terribly forbids." Her hands slid around his back thus pressing her body to his, her tears staining on his espousal cloth, "I felt so false-hearted. Every day I thought I did this for you, but then I imagined your reactions towards the sickly actions and I fell under a slumber of dejection. It all broke apart when Remus confessed to my parents and requested for a marriage." she hiccuped, "and couldn't let this lie suffer more. And so, I confessed to my parents. I finally told them the truth, and then I ran away. That's why I wanted to marry you. So I could know that nobody will ever take me away from you."

She cried, her howls muffled under his chest. However, a waterly bead blotted on top of her head, thereby realizing the tears forming under Revali's emerald eyes looking down upon. His thoughts resembled one of a shattered soul with no hope. The fact that (y/n) had miserably been strained into a cycle of bilious control revolted his heart already. The idea of someone else taking his place with such disgusting intentions did not connect his state of mind sane. Furthermore, he clenched her body harder against his, signifying his humanity. 

It was after a few minutes of grief that Revali spoke, "(y/n), you did what you had to do. You did this for me and for your life. There should have been another way to avoid this. But how could you have when there was clearly no other choice?"

Suddenly the warm pressure between them stopped, the spouse looking down at her, "But...(y/n), you have to return home. As much as I want you to be with me, It's not the correct time to do so. You have to go back and talk to your parents. If you stay here, they will surely know where to find you, and so it's futile. Look..." He slipped the diamond ring off her finger and laid it on the palm of her hand, "Don't let them know we're married or else that will ruin your future profession. You do want to be a royal guard, right?"

She nodded, "Yes, It's my dream. I won't let them know about it. I shall leave then..."

The snow bride mounted her horse which was right before the entrance, "Revali..." she added, "I love you."

"I love you too."

As the white fog faded her away, the spouse returned to his hometown. Needless to say, her mother asked, "Revali since when did you own those clothes? You look like you just married."

He only chuckled, "A very nice lady sold me them for a good price. That's all."

The bride, on the other hand, traveled and fought her monsters easily than ever. It almost seemed like her soldier-like dress enhanced her fighting ability. Even so, throughout the blizzard road, her horse guided towards the direction of Hyrule Castle Town. It took immensely short hours to get there. 

The covered roofs and decorated trees followed past by her while the horse reached for her parents. The 2-windowed house, at last, displayed when she abruptly jumped out of her horse hurriedly. When she opened the door, it first revealed her red-blushed mother who sat on the dining chair. Her father was gone, assuming he went searching for her. Remus, however, was nowhere to be found and likely never since the outlandish confession (y/n) exposed. Her mother, who realized her daughter returned, fastly rose towards her, presenting a hard hug that meant more than love. 

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). We had never noticed your pain..." She wailed while holding her tight, "We should have known. I could have learned but I never bothered."

"It's okay, mom" the daughter caressed her back, "I'm here. I came back. I won't leave home again."

When her father arrived, he broke down, but soon recovered after a few minutes. Although they had never asked about her sudden change of garments due to the shock, they had still given her an argument on her relationship. 

"We still can't allow you to be with a man that is simply not your race. A relationship between a Rito and a Hylian has such strong ignominy that we do not dare touch that subject. And though this love could have been bloomed out of luck, it is yet a stigmatizing vision to many of us."

"It's okay, mother. In fact, I had decided to end my relationship with him, " she lied, "I've realized the consequences that shamed my regard and besides, my dream as a royal guard does not allow marriage. What's the use when I can't love in the first place?"

"You still bow to that profession?" she surely asked. Her daughter continued, "Yes, with all my heart, I will dedicate my life as a protector."

After a few seconds so, the young Hylian headed to her room. Without much to do, she carefully tucked her wedding dress away when the silence ensuingly spoke from the other side of the door. Her mother continued on the subject of marriage, "I almost thank Goddess Hylia for that disallowance of marriage. I wonder what would have happened if she didn't..."

However, (y/n) still dearly held her wedding ring on the palm of her hand...a forbidden wish come true.

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