Letters With Wings

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My beloved Revali, 

It's been about 4 months since I sent you a letter, and I thought it'd be cool if I sent another one asking how you are. For me, well, It's been great. I actually won another competition and I won 1st place. I also made friends with one of my competitors, Remus. He's a cool guy, I actually told him about you and he's eager to see you one day! Shirley on the other hand now attends choir classes and she's doing very well, I am amazed. If we ever meet again, you should check out Shirley's songs.

Always in my thoughts, (y/n)

Revali anticipated himself to write one for her...and so the continuous journey of letters started.

1 WEEK LATER (the time it takes to be sent)

My one and only (y/n),

It's been good. There are so many things to talk about...well not really. For one, Katiel confessed her love to me. Sort of, she told me that she loved me since she was younger, but as time passed, she had lost her feelings. We would always fight, so it's not like there was ever a possibility of us dating. In fact, I don't know if I'm ever going to be with anybody. That love life seems to be an impossibility for me. Changing topic, have I told you that Plover has a job? He is now doing carpentry which fits him, in my opinion. Also, I'm wondering, do you still have my feather I gave you in my last letter? If you lose it, I can always give you another one...although, it does hurt a little.

With anticipation, Revali


My Rito Revali,

It's fun writing for you. And strangely enough, Yes, I still have that feather! I hope you don't find that so strange. And wow...How did I not see that coming? I don't want to say this but honestly, I thought you were the one in love with Katiel. I guess I was wrong about that. Either way, I also think my love life is non-existent. In fact, I think Remus tries to flirt with me but I just don't think of him that way. It's funny...because sometimes he thinks I'm in love with someone else. He tells me that whenever I look at the window of a house, it seems as if I was waiting for a prince. Thus, he doesn't like it when I look at windows, haha!  Back to your message, I find it cool that Plover's a carpenter. Mh perhaps I'll get a hand-made bow from him!

Affectionately, (y/n)


Sweetheart (y/n),

Since it's been a month, I want to inform you that Katiel and Plover are dating and they seem really happy. I'm very glad to be honest. On the other hand, I'm here competing with the other Ritos and of course, I'm always the winner. It's good, really, but so far there hasn't been a day where they finally notice my higher-ranking skills and take me to an actual fight. I want to prove that I can be better, but oh well. So you say that you look as if you're waiting for someone? Is it me? I'm only kidding! However, you're not the only one. Besides, I feel as if every day of my life I'm determined to fight one thing. My dad's honor. I can't just put myself into doing nothing regarding my dad's sudden death. And also, that reminds me of Virio, our very close friend who passed away. I remember when he was alive, he always tried to achieve the best for him, even if he had incapabilities. I feel like I'm the same. All my self-pressure gets me stressed, and although my mother tells me to calm down. I just can't.

Most faithfully yours, Revali


To the one who completes me, Revali,

So the time has come. My parents have discussed again about my future as a royal guard with the royal family, and apparently, since I am a female, taking this role will take off my rights to marry. When I had first found out, It made me depressed. I felt like...like I'll never marry the one of my dreams. By that I mean if that was ever possible. It's rather very hard to say, mostly because, sometimes love can't allow 2 people in the first place. Sometimes, a certain type of person loves another certain type of person which in itself is not permitted. And although we had been sending each other's messages for a long while, There was always something I've always wanted to write. Something personally from my soul, from my heart, from the depths of my thoughts. It's hard, Revali, knowing I can't live with the person I love the most. The one I've always wrote to.

Revali, do you understand? Because if you do...I don't want to lose you. I want to see you again.

Revali, be honest with me.

Waiting for you, (y/n)

1 week later

For the one who has my heart, (y/n),

...I have no words. You don't know how much I've been waiting for this. My heart palpitated as I read your letter and I just couldn't believe it. It all felt like a dream, I was in a hazy state where I couldn't distinguish reality or if it was a figment of my imagination. But it all came back to me, the last day I saw you. That embrace we held together. You were sad, but I never understood why. Your eyes glimmered from the stars of the sky. Your tears dried on my clothes. The day you sang, the confession you made. Your sadness. (y/n)....

I'm in love with you.

 And I always loved you since we became friends. I want to be with you forever. I want to take you wherever you want to go. Your presence enlightens me. You fill me with so much love that my mind wonders through a state of bliss. I always wanted to say this. Always. Because you mean so much to me. I love you.

Complete with you, Revali

The last letter

My dream come true, Revali,

I love you too, Revali. I love you to the point where I cried. Please don't worry about me when you read that, I'm fine. I just never felt so satisfied and relieved with love when you said that. I want to see you again.

I love you, Revali. I really do. My heart is waiting for you.

Desiring only you, (y/n)

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