Lost Rito, New Girl

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Another day, another drama. It was heard from all over the village that a young Rito had gone missing. 

"That's not good..." frowned Shirley. (y/n)'s parents were so desperate to look for the missing kid that they were helping the Rito's siblings, Katiel and Katoo. 

"I feel bad for Katiel. I've known her for all my life, she's a pretty shy girl." said (y/n), "I find it impossible for her younger sister, Gala, to disappear so suddenly."

"We have to do something, we can't just stay here and do nothing" Plover ordered. His immense stature and deep voice made Shirley automatically stand up and literally find something to do.

"Ahh!! Ahh!! Oh I don't know! I'm a weak person! (y/n) knows how to shoot arrows and all. Unlike myself, I don't know what to do..."

"Shirley, calm down. Maybe you can calm their family down. You can tell them that (y/n) and I are going to investigate their missing child."

"Alright, thank you!" she ran off as soon as possible, fighting for justice.

"Okay, what's the first thing to do?" asked the only Hylian present.

However, a dark blue Rito ran past by them. "Hey, where are you going?" asked the tall one.

"What most people should be doing? Look for the child?" 

"The guards are already doing that, Revali. And besides, you're only 14 and also grounded," stated Plover.

"What does my age have to do with this?" asked the Rito but (y/n) took the spotlight.

"Guys, first, we need to ask people who have last seen the child. That way we're gonna have an idea of where she might have gone.

"I know the last time I saw her was at the store looking at something yesterday, we should go there." Plover guided both of his friends down to the store, which was closed. 

"Closed? Where's the owner? This is already looking suspicious." said Revali. "Then we're gonna have to look for the owner, where is she or he?" (y/n) asked as Plover looked around. 

"My mom personally knows the owner, I'll go ask, meanwhile you guys catch up with Shirley and see what's up" the bright blue Rito left without hesitation. The other two ran towards the siblings' house. There, Shirley was trying to calm down Katiel as she was tearing up. Katoo was gone since he was out looking for Gala. What Revali found strange was that as soon as Katiel saw him, she immediately turned away from him. 

"Katiel, we're here to let you know that we're trying our best to find Gala," stated (y/n).

"Thank...you...." she quietly said. (y/n) knew she was shy but her voice sounded like she never talked in her entire life. It was soft, yet girly. her red blushes on top of her white feathers enhanced that innocent look. 

Shirley explained, "Oh, (y/n) and Revali. So it appears that the last time they saw her was when they were passing by the store. After that, she was nowhere to be found."

"Yes...and also...I remember her saying that she wanted something from the store but we didn't let her...It's all my fault." she argued to herself. Revali, on the other hand, tried to prevent her self-guilt. "None of this is your fault. Trust me." Revali placed his hand on her shoulders. her pitch black eyes gleamed with tears as she saw Revali, and suddenly her blush became redder than before. "Okay, so you lost sight of her when you walked passed by the store. However, one of my friends, Plover, claims that he saw Gala inside the store. Today the store is closed. Those are all the mental notes I had for now."

Upon finishing her sentence, Plover arrived at the scene. "Okay guys, so I just found out who is the owner. His name is Chico, but guess what? He's not here in Rito Village at all!"

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