A Miracle and an Ordeal

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"It's sad to realize that tomorrow we're gonna leave, right?" said Shirley who watched her close friend shoot arrows at the archery range outside in the field. All the other Ritos who were training as well were shocked by how amazing she was.

"Yup! Wanna try Shirley?" She offered her the bow.

"Ugh, you know what happened last time..." she puffed her cheeks comically. (y/n) laughed, "don't worry, this time I'll help you! It's actually pretty easy."

The blonde grabbed the bow while the other Hylian guided her pose and her hands. "Okay, you can shoot now!"

Releasing the arrow immediately, it landed down on the floor within a 5-feet distance which was...not even close to the target. The Hylians laughed even the Ritos around but that didn't stop Shirley to keep practicing. 

After an hour of shooting arrows and whatnot, they both left the range as they got bored. "Aw, man! This is supposed to be the last day and we're already running out of ideas." Shirley whined, "But at least I know how to shoot with a bow and arrows!"

"Very lame at it though!" (y/n) chuckled. However, while walking back to Rito Village, a familiar dark-yellow figure approached. To (y/n)'s surprise, it was actually Virio walking! It has been so many years since she had seen him outside in the free breeze. She had to greet him!

"Virio! I can't believe it. Is it really you!?" 

"Oh, (y/n)? How are you!" he humbly said. Meanwhile, Shirley was very confused. "I'm good but how about YOU!? You can walk again! don't tell me you're finally cured..." 

"My doctor finally found a potion that allows muscles to work again. Although my internal organs don't function that well, at least I can walk again! I'm so glad..."

"It's that same Sheikah doctor, am I right? It's like they're a million years ahead of their time, I swear! Either way, I was so shocked when I saw you here, I really hope they find the perfect medicine to cure your sickness." (y/n)'s hands held his out of compassion and gratitude.

"Thank you...So do you know where's Revali? I've been looking for him but I haven't seen him."

"I don't know. Let's go look, shall we?" the three walked in search for the missing Rito. While doing so, The olive one felt the breeze that Rito Village possessed since the ancient times. He waved at the old neighbors that soon realize who they were greeting. It reminded him of the last time he ever walked. He was only 6 years old. 

Everybody was so tall that they were seen as silhouettes from his small sight. His mother took care of a medium-sized egg at home while his father took him to the stores. Red, green, and blue fancied all over Rito Village as the sunlight took over them. He remembered the small clackings of the claws of his feet whenever he would stroll out and the breeze hitting his feathers. It all came back to him to simpler times.

Now, it felt quite alike except he was with his old-timey friend, (y/n). Although some Rito stared at the visibly weak Virio, to him that didn't matter. Knowing that miracles do exist, he felt like he could soon see a better future, even though he subconsciously knew that wouldn't be the case.

"Hey isn't that Revali?" Shirley pointed at a nearby location which at first glance, looked like a lovely environment filled with flower pots and caressing vines on the wooden fence. The tall, snowy mountains where the sun slowly descended could even be seen from this angle...if it weren't the fact that a white Rito, Katiel, stood next to the indigo one. So closely. So jointly.

And then her love felt all wrong.

"Hey guys!" exclaimed the happy Katiel while Revali, on the other hand, freaked out over Virio. "No, it can't be...are you truly healed!?" he nervously asked while he harshly placed his hands on his friend's shoulders. 

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