Archery Battle

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All archers of every race (except the Gorons as bows were too small for them) stood next to their teams, their bows and arrows ready to be used. The first ones to compete were the Gerudos who were pretty good at it. The first section was simple arrow shooting ranging from 50 yards to even 250 yards, the second section consisted of shooting while horse-riding, and finally, the last section was a special game. Speed and accuracy would gain or take points on contesters. After an hour of competing and shooting arrows, a Gerudo named Minka won 1st place.

Next, the top ten Hylians started taking their bows and quivers as the announcer called, "Now that Minka won, next up are the Hylians! Their names are...Ermes! Iantha! Euston!..."

As he kept calling names, (y/n)'s hands were trembling out of excitement. "He's gonna call my name real soon..."

"Mine too!" replied the thrilled Remus.

"...Jahel, Remus,...and finally, (y/n)!"

Everybody cheered on the Hylian contestants especially Shirley who was screaming her eyes out. "You're gonna break your voice!" shouted her mom.


Meanwhile, Revali watched the gorgeous Hylian dressed like a seraph. "Oh, is that the girl you love? She looks so lovely!" exclaimed Chippy.

"I know. I never saw her like this in my life. That hair...especially with the braid around her head like a halo. I can't believe I'm seeing her again."

The Hylian contestants now fought for their best. Although each archer shot uniquely, (y/n) shot unimaginably fast. Many of her shots perfectly aimed right in the center of every target.

"Oof, this girl is good! Did you teach that to her, Revali!?" Chippy wondered.

But the next step, horse-riding, (y/n) rode her brown horse and within 30 seconds, all balloons in the air popped. Yet, her rival, Remus, managed to shoot the next upcoming balloons quicker than her.

"Remus! That's very surprising of you." (y/n) spoke while her hair flew back as both rivals rode their horses next to each other.

"All the training these past months were totally worth it!" Remus exclaimed before applying spurs on the horse, swiftly passing by her.

After those two sections, all Hylians stood on a large green field surrounded by many disparate items. The rule depended on the archery judges naming a certain object and based on the time and accuracy of their aim will gain or take the participant's scores. Everybody stood on a single row, set for the game. (y/n), on the other hand, feared for this moment as it was her weakest part of her skill.

She exhaled deeply when suddenly the judged blurted, "Red bottle!". Caught by her own distraction, she turned around confused until Remus shot a red bottle.

"Oh no...(y/n)..." frowned (y/n)'s mom. "I know she can make it. She just needs to focus." replied the blondie with her fingers crossed.

As everybody walked around slowly, inspecting every object, the judge called again, "blue plate!"

Upon almost aiming at the correct plate, (y/n) was pushed over by Remus, causing her to trip. The whole audience gasped and the Hylian lifted her hands from the ground.

"Remus, what is wrong with you!?"

"I'm sorry but...I can't let you win."

The judges whispered to each other but resumed the game. While the Hylian finally stood up, the lady judge called, "purple robe!"

Remus almost shot one before Euston, another contestant, took his item. "Agh dammit!" the red-head shouted. (y/n) in the meantime searched for another purple robe and shot one that was fairly well hidden. "I got one, at least..."

10 minutes afterward, all Hylians took positions as they waited for the lady judge to call the very last and single item. Revali sweated from the stress of the game since there was no telling if (y/n) was winning or not. She kept missing quite a few objects while also losing accuracy at parts.

"I know you can make it...just pay more attention...please," he uttered.

But before thinking again, the lady yelled, "White feather!"

Everybody ran to find the feather but nobody oddly could. (y/n) looked in all directions until finally, she noticed a leaned painting of a woman with angel wings. She instantly shot at the biggest white feather of her visible left wing.

"Finished!" the judge concluded and the audience shouted in excitement. "Phew..." Revali sighed in relief. After minutes of recording points, the announcer called the winner...

"And so the best Hylian archer goes to...." He anticipated, "It goes to....(y/n)!"

(y/n) let out a big sigh as Remus clenched his fists. "Agh, so damn close...."

"You don't win by cheating you idiot!" she angrily fought him as the everybody cheered for the princess-like warrior.

Meanwhile, Revali's instructor shouted, "All right guys, it's our turn!"

Revali laughed maniacally, "This is going to be too easy!"

"Don't get your hopes up..." responded one of the competitors while they all headed to the contest.

Predictably enough, Revali won everybody on a whim. "I mean, do I have to cheer on Revali?" (y/n) rolled her eyes as everybody else shouted his success. Revali simply bowed while the Judge called his name as the winner.

Next up, the Zoras lined up for their archer contest. In the meantime, (y/n) would take glances at her feathered lover who was only a few feet away. Turns out, he was also looking at her which caused the beautiful angel to blush, immediately averting her eyes.

Revali yawned, hoping the contest would finish already as the last few minutes of arrow-shooting occurred. Conclusively, the announcer called, "And the winner is...Yorik!

"And now that every archer participated, may all winners stand in the middle of the arena!"

Revali and (y/n) foreseeably approached each other and walked together to the center along with Minka and Yorik. As they were lined in a row, Revali tried to hold her soft hand but she harshly whispered, "My mom is watching!"

The announcer displayed himself as a tall Hylian with black hair and mustache. "Please applaud at them for they will be the grand competitors for the tournament's archery contest!"

The whole arena applauded while (y/n) blushed, "This is so weird. We're gonna compete with each other."

"Heh, don't underestimate me. You know very well who's going to win here." he winked his left eye.

"I know certain tricks that would doubt that!" sassed the Hylian.

In the end, the archer winners sat at a reserved corner of the arena, watching the rest of the contestants compete.

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