Plover's Reveal

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Checking every shelf, it appeared that all the berries had run out. "How did I forget, I swear I wrote it on my list..." But unfortunately, Katiel accidentally skipped the berries from her shopping list. She sighed, "Gala we're going out again."

"Is it really necessary to go? I'm old enough to stay at home!"

"No buts, Gala. C'mon let's go"

the little girl sighed as they headed out to the stores. Upon arriving at their destination, it appeared that the lady in charge of the berries left early. "What? You're serious."

"No, her son is marrying today. Sorry!"

"Can't be...I really need the berries. My parents are coming home today." 

Katiel and Katoo's parents lived at Lurelin Village because of work reasons. They truly wanted to bring their children over there but Faron Woods was a more dangerous place than Hebra, so in the end, they decided to go without them. However, now that they were taking a quick vacation, they are visiting their children. Considering Katiel's mother's favorite food are berries, she wanted to make a berry pie for her.

Having no other solution, she pleaded Plover to go collect some for her. 

"Ugh, I'm working right now! My boss doesn't like when I ditch my working days."

"It's just for today I swear!"

"I'm sorry Katiel but I can't." 

Katiel sighed then looked at her sister Gala, "I guess there's no choice." she powerwalked away, but Plover knew she was going to commit something foolish. Leaving Gala at home, Katiel packed up supplies on a small backpack. "Gala, you told me you were old enough to stay here so I believe in you. Don't open the door to random strangers, okay?"

"Katiel, where are you going?" 

"I'm going somewhere, but I'll come back quick!" Standing at the edge of the wooden floor outside, she flew away while carrying her red backpack.

Plover, who was sawing a piece a wood, found himself watching his friend fly towards Hebra Mountain, already arriving there. "*Sigh* I can't believe this."

Plover dropped what he was doing to go fly where she was going.

Hebra Mountain, the coldest place of all Hyrule, almost froze Katiel to death but she kept going. She only needed to find those wildberries and immediately leave. Nonetheless, the intensifying gelid wind gradually decelerated her movement.

Suddenly, her eyes ultimately caught the juicy crimson fruits in the far snowy distance, but her body's equilibrium failed, thus fainting on the snow. Trying to open her eyes, a sudden, reptilian Lizalfos almost took her to its territory along with its other mates. Realizing what was going on, she screamed as loud as possible.

"HELP! Somebody help!" a cry echoed through the mountains. Plover flew through the destination and alas, he found Katiel surrounded by enemies. Landing down, he quickly took his hand-made bow and shot every single Lizalfos. However, one enemy from behind stabbed him with a spear. 

"Plover!" she shouted as he quickly turned around and shot him too. Bleeding from the back of his torso, Katiel stood up, picked up her backpack and inside pulled out a long bandage. Twirling it around his strong waist, She apologized, "I'm so sorry Plover I had to get you to this. It wasn't my intention. I'm dumb to go, I only wanted to make a pie for my parents, they haven't come home since I was 12...I wanted this day to be so special to them, I couldn't have......I..." tears fell down, splashing on Plover's lap.

"Katiel, It's okay....Because I knew you would do this either way...Katiel....I...." He placed his hand on the side of her beak, forcing her to glance at his eyes.

"What is it, Plover?" Her red cheeks blushed even more.

His "Katiel, I'm in love with you, so I don't care how many mistakes you do, I will be there for you." 

Katiel's eyes watered, "Plover..." 

In the wintry environment filled with snow and pine trees, the two Rito hugged as the shivery breeze ran through their feathers, but both of their hearts warmed.

Gala, who was dead worried, waited at the window when she suddenly saw the two Ritos holding each other's hand while Katiel held a bag full of wildberries. The contrast of a strong blue Rito and a smaller, softer white Rito fit a very nice couple in her eyes, so she smiled for them.

Unpredictable enough, a mailman ran pass them, disturbing their way. "Hey, watch out, please?" Katiel shouted.

"Sorry!" said the Hylian postman while he ran towards Revali's house. Revali was eating dinner when he interrupted the scene. His mother approached, "Oh, it's a letter from (y/n)? Revali, it's for you!"

Revali delightfully claimed the letter. "Another one..." 

He ran to his private room to read the whole message of her dear friend.

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