chapter 5

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i got to my hotel room we were all in the same hall which was cool. i put my stuff away shawn went with me. "come to my room. i dont want you to be alone." he said. "okay." i said grabbing my key. we walked over he unlocked it and put his bags in there to. matt was on bed eating chips. so i jumped on him. "kayla you scared me i thought you were shawn ur lucky i didnt hit you." matt said with a warning stare. "honey it wont have hurt i can take a punch." i said giving him a stare back. "aw." nash sais. shit. i looked over the door that connects there rooms was open. "well its true." i said. looking back at matt. "what ever kayla." nash said. walking into the room. please dont hit me please. he just sat on shawns bed and played on his phone. "pool?" shawn asked. "yah leta go!!" matt yelled. ia walked back to my room and put on my orange bakini. and thats all. i wlaked over to shwans room and knocked all the guys where in there. shawn was staring at me. awkward. "hay." i said he looked at my eyes. "hi lets go." he said grabbing my hand and lacing are fingers. woah. he made a move. we got to the pool they cleared it out for us. "cananball!" matt yelled jumping in. they all where but me and shawn. "hot tub?" he ased me i nodded and walked in it felt so good and warm. " this is nice." he said sitting next to me and putting his arm around me

we were in there for a while till matt yelled. "hay love birds get in the pool." i rolled my eyes and flipped him off. but we did get in the pool. i was happy. finally. "lets play chicken!" matt yelled. "okay team up!" nash yelled grabbing me. why me. "um nash im a girl ill lose." i said looking up at him. "no we wont lose." he said. okay we won the first round agents jack j and jack g. because of nash. we went agents matt and shawn next matt was on top. shit. shawn would have gone easy. "shit why are you on top." i said glarring at him. "so we can win shawn wouldnt push you." he said pushing me. i almost went back. but i put in mind i wanted to win agents taylor. i shoved really hard and he went stumbling back they fell. "fuck you kayla!!" matt yelled. haha.winner. "you got me." shawn said winking. "ill get you back." shawn smilled and walked away. great. we went agents taylor and cameron next taylor was on top. good. i thought about him hitting me and calling me names and i pushed him and pushed him ge almost fell but he grabbed my hair to stable him self and pulled it really tight. and kept pulling it i had anoff. i punched him hard in the jaw and boom he fell down. "we won!!" i yelled. nash set me down we hight fived. taylor stood up he looked pissed. "really kayla really." he said getting close to me. i will imate i was scared. "your lucking people are here." taylor said. i rolled my eyes. "dont roll your eyes at me bitch." he said putting his face right next to mine. "taylor man chill." nash said pulling me tords him. "nash dont fucking start with me you still have makeup all over your face from her and cameron." taylor said. "actually i did that." cam said laughing so was i. "wait what." nash said. he looked in the camera on his phone and laughed taylor grabbed me and pulled me into the hall when no one was looking shit.

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