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Rachel's POV

Me and Brad are finally finding out the gender of our baby. We could not be more excited. I'm lying in on the bed again with Brad's hand tightly in mine with my top over our beautiful bump. I smile at Brad as the nurse puts the cold gel on my bump and uses the wand to find our baby. Brad gives my hand a light squeeze and placed a kiss on my hand.

I looked at the screen smiling when I see our beautiful baby. I look at Brad and he looks so happy which warms my heart.

" so are you wanting to find out the gender today" the nurse says smiling at me and Brad

"Yes" Brad blurted out excitedly without thinking and we all laugh. He is too cute.

" congratulations Mr and Mrs Simpson you are having a baby boy" the nurse says smiling. My heart is full as I hear her say we are having a boy. A big smile appears on my face. Brad was right. Brad grips my hand tightly and presses his forehead against my temple as we both smile at each other.

" I knew it" Brad whispers and quickly kissing my cheek

" congratulations again and can I just say your a beautiful couple" the nurse says smiling passing us copies of our scan. We both give her a big smile and thank her.

Me and Brad walk out of the room to our car hand in hand smiling

"We are having a boy" Brad says so excitedly before we get into the car. he brings me into a hug and starts kissing me all over my face as I laugh at him.

"I'm so excited" I say smiling at Brad putting my hand on my bump Brad puts his hand on top of mine.

"I love you both" Brad says smiling. He is so happy.

"We love you too" I smile kissing him softly.

Everything is perfect.

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