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Rachel's PoV

I look around and me and Charlie are curled up in the damp and dark. There was nobody else around. It doesn't matter though as long as we are together.

" Charlie Brad is going to kill us" I say shivering Charlie brings me closer to him.

" he is gonna be really really annoyed. We drove mine and Brad's car mainly Brad's" I say in a panic

"Don't worry lil one" Charlie says brining me closer and moving a bit of my hair from my face.

" I'll take care of it" Charlie says and I smile.

All I can think about is Brad's face when he finds out what's happened to his car. It's completely not even a car anymore. I know it's both our car because we share it but Brad loved this car like so so much. All I can think about is his disappointed face when he finds out. And the frown that will be on his face.

" there going to send us to jail Charlie" I say in a panic.

"You won't go to jail" Charlie says
"Maybe me I was the one driving but not you" Charlie adds

"But I don't want you to go to jail you did nothing wrong you were so careful" I say looking up at Charlie.

"what are we gonna do" I say

"I'm so sorry Rachel this is all my fault" Charlie says "this is all my fault you tried to tell me"

"Charlie this is not your fault okay I promise you" I say taking Charlie's hand in mine.

"So What now" Charlie asks

" give me a minute" I say "I'm thinking" I look around trying to make sense of everything around us. No outline of the town. Nothing just completely black. But I could see shapes moving in the distance. I began to realise where we were.

"Charlie I think we are at home" I say looking at him.

" as in our home in Birmingham" Charlie asks and I nod

"How'd we get here" Charlie asks

"I have no idea but Charlie look it's our old swing" I say pointing at it with a smile we both walk over to it and sit down on our old swing together. We would sit here for hours me Charlie and Brad when we were younger on this swing. Mum and dad would always force us to come back inside because we loved being outside on the swing and just talking so much.

"Charlie what are we going to tell Brad Anne Marie, Derek and everyone" I ask shivering again

" I'm coming up with a plan right now trust me" Charlie says putting his arm around me and bringing me closer to him again.

We have no idea what to do or how to get out of this.

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