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Rachel's PoV

Noah is laying on Brad's chest holding on to his top with his tiny hands. Olly is laying next to me and I'm just giving him cuddles. I feel like I haven't given him enough cuddles lately. Brad moves his thumb across Noah's cheek and a smile appears on his face.

"Such a beautiful smile just like your mummy" Brad says looking at me and I smile at the two of them.

I moved closer to Brad and Noah. And me and Brad begin making funny faces to Noah and then kissing both his cheeks at the same time. The room was completely silent as we did this. Then the room was filled with a giggle.

"Oh my gosh he just giggled finally" I exclaim and kiss Noah's cheek five times in a row. Then Brad's.

Noah starts clapping his hands and he begins giggling again me and Brad both looked at each other and then to our beautiful little boy who might I add is growing up far to quickly.

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