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Third person (paramedics PoV)

The paramedic heard the monitor beep.
He pulled the paddles of the girls chest and saw burn marks on her skin. The screen showed that the the girls heart beat flipped and started beating and  normally and at a regular beat. This is a miracle the paramedic thought to himself.

Her eyes suddenly opened and she began coughing and looking straight up. She looked confused.

"Welcome back" the paramedic said to her

She looked extremely confused worried but okay under the circumstances. How was she okay after being brought back. She was dead this is a miracle the paramedic thought to himself again.

Rachel's PoV

" where Charlie" I mutter I'm so confused what's happening. " I was talking to Charlie I promised"

" what's your name" the random guy I guess the paramedic asks

" I promised Charlie I won't leave him" I say tears falling from my eyes

"What's your name darling" the paramedic asks for the second time

" Rachel Simpson" I say very quietly

"Your going to be okay Rachel I'm doing the best I can for Charlie" he says looking me straight in the eye.

"Where's Charlie ? Where's my brother ? I can't leave him" my words aren't making sense but all I need is to see Charlie.

I looked over at the paramedic who was working on Charlie beside me and I knew it wasn't going okay because of the way he was speaking and his expression on his face.

I felt a pain rush trough my body from my back and neck I cried out in pain.

"I'm here okay I'm gonna give you this and it will take the pain away it will make you sleepy don't worry" the paramedic says as he put a needle into my arm. I felt the liquid run through my veins. Everything seems to be going all blurry but one thing was completely staying in my mind. I promised I won't leave Charlie. And that he made his word that he would not leave me and he would protect me always.

Imagines and memories went through my mind of me and Charlie on the old swing, with mum and dad before they died, imagine Charlie will get a girlfriend one day and have kids like me, and our kids will have loads of cousins and our kids will be so close and be best friends , but every day we would still meet at our spot because we stay near each other now, memory of when Charlie first met Noah his face makes me so happy he was so proud. 

There was no alternative life without Charlie. Charlie is Charlie and nobody could ever be like him. I always looked up to him when I was wee. When mum and dad died he was like my dad. Always looked out for me. We always had and always will in the years ahead have each other's back.

I reached across the ambulance. I pushed my hand past the paramedic and I saw Charlie's hand. I felt it it was cold and limb. I placed my hand into his and held on as hard as I could as tears fall down from my eyes.

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