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I'm on my the plane right now to where B is. it would be a lie to say I'm not worried about him. I left Noah with Kirstie because I know if I took him he would be very unsettled especially with seeing Brad and then having to come home again in a couple of days.

Skip plane journey

I am just walking to the car park and I see James smiling looking at me I run over to him and I hug him so tight.

"Kirstie says she loves you" i say and his smile goes wider.

"How is he" I ask as we walk to his car

"He was okay this morning but he will probably be seeing some fans right now so hopefully he is okay" James replies as we get in his car and drive to the venue

We drove in a comfortable silence with music from the radio playing quietly in the background.

"I missed you and Noah misses you" I say smiling as we are coming up to the venue

"I missed you both to very much. I missed my sister" James says as he parked the car. Looking at me and I smile.

We both got out the car and walked into the venue

"Hey Rachel haven't seen you in ages" Dean says bringing me into a big hug

"Hey dean you well? " I smile and he nods

"Where is Brad" James asks Dean

"He is through In the lounge bit" Dean says with a frown on his face

"Wait I thought he was supposed to be with fans right now" I ask concerned

"You better go and see him" James says hugging me from behind and pointing where I go. I look at James and dean and I can see in there eyes they are worried.

I walk in the lounge bit and I see Joe holding Brad tightly in his arms trying to calm him down. He is breathing really heavy like he can't breath and he is shaking and crying this is breaking my heart.

Joe sees me gives me a small smiles. I walk over and I swap places with Joe but Brad's  eyes were closed and he is panicking I don't think he noticed. I think he thought I was still Joe.

"Listen Brad breath, follow my breathing please your okay I'm
Here" I say softly hugging him very tight so I can keep him safe.

10 mins later

Brad has started to calm down he is still crying a bit though in my shoulder but his breathing is back to normal

"What is wrong with me Joe I am hearing Rachel and I don't know what's wrong with me with all my panic attacks" Brad cries holding me even tighter

"Brad it's me" I say he lifts his head quick with a smile and I I wipe his tears with my thumb.

"O my gosh rachel" Brad smiles lifting me softly and he kissed my lips softly. I missed that.

"And Brad there is nothing wrong with you never ever say that " I say holding his hand

"Thank you thank you for coming" Brad smiles kissing my cheek. He looks down at my bump and smiles putting his hand on it and rubs it softly.

"Your welcome I hate seeing you like this Bm but I will be here for you know matter what. Noah misses you but he is still at home" I say and Brad nods

"I love you Rachel"

"I love you way more Brad" I smile and everyone else is smiling now seeing Brad happy. Hopefully he will be okay now.

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