Fan Cap

2.3K 58 136

Oh I don't like the fan cap,

it seems to limit me.

I object to changes here

although I've fanned just three.

I demand a vote on things,

oh Wattpad don't you see,

we're upset and petulant,

fanning is just me.

I like an inbox full of crud.

User "Pleasefanme"

I'm desperate for some kind of fame,

I think I'll fan that tree.

I'll leave, I'll go, I'll stamp my feet,

why won't you heed my plea?

I'll hold my breath until I die

and argue 'til I pee.

I’ll throw my toys out of my pram

just you wait and see.

I want my mum, I want my bear

it's your fault I'm all sulky...

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