Flash in the past

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Annabeth's POV ( i love annabeth but this is just for the story )

i walked into the throne room to find myself being yelled at, for no reason!

I rolled my eyes and sat at my throne at the end with the others.

If youre confused in who i mean its like this






We all became immortal because the gods thought that we were 'worthy' because we had saved them. I just think that they wanted me, but didn't want to be rude.

I looked over to Jacob and rolled my eyes.

Yes we are still together. I mean, who would brake up with a hunk like him.

I was so zoned out on important things that I didn't notice Zeus talking.

Bla bla bla!! this is soo boreing!!

then a bright light formed blinding us all.




Flesh's POV

We all sat in a circle, waiting for Lord Chaos to open the portal and lead us, but when he didn't come we started to play Go Fish.

What?! Just because we are strong brave warriors doesn't mean we can't play bubble guppy™ go fish. Ok, that does sound weird.

" Do you have anyyy..... Bubble Puppies?" forgiven asked Angle.

Forgiven laughed and said," Go Fish! I win!!"

We all moaned in frustration. That was the 5th game today that she won.

" What did you DO in the underworld?!" I asked teasing her.

" Oh, you know, talk and train myself to kiss yo asses when playing cards. " She chuckled.

Then we heard the doors open.

We all dropped the cards we were still holding and formed a line.

Lord Chaos walked up towards us and bowed.

We bowed back and stepped aside and with a flick if the wrist, a purplish blue portal formed before our eyes.

Chaos stepped through and then called us towards.

We all looked at each other and then all scrambled at the same time to get to the portal first.

" No! I'm goi-"

" No!"

" I am!"

" No-no-no-"

Then we all zoomed inside the portal.

We were all still pushing and shoving each other, trying to be the one who got out first.

Before we knew it, we stumbled out of the portal, still pushing and shoving till we all looked up at the same time.

There we stood before the gods and goddesses in a pile.

We quickly got up and in formation.

Chaos sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

I heard one of the gods/goddesses say something and so I unlocked my fox hearing power.

My ears zoned in on a sound of a once sweet voice.

" Who are these- these- THINGS that as here?!" Annabeth said.

Wait! Annabeth's here. That means-

I looked around and a smile found its way on my face.

There they were, in all their glory.

Leo, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and even Calypso was standing beside Zeus's throne.

I let out a small laugh by acsdent and suddenly, everyone's eyes were on me.

" Your smiling!" I heard Angle's voice exclaim.

" You're lucky! we barely get a smile outta him."Scar said laughing as well.

Suddenly, what Annabeth did zoomed back into my head and my smile was soon replaced by a scowl.

I heard Forgiven sigh and Death say, " it was fun while it lasted. "

I stared at Annabeth, pondering at how such great beauty turned out to be so rotten and sour after everything they went through.

Before he knew it, we had formed an alliance with them and Chaos turned to me.

I saw his mouth move but no words came out.

I looked around and everyone looked as though they wanted me to respond to something.

I pulled my headphone out of my ears and heard the group moan in frustration.

" Sorry, da- Lord Chaos, what the hell did you say?" I asked not caring about what I said.

The gods/goddesses all gasped, thinking, oh no. Pour guy.

But then we all burst out laughing.

The olympians glared at us, daring us to do it again.

When we all died down, Chaos repeated what he had said.

" You and the others are going to be going to help with the other immortal campers and watch over Camp Half Blood. "

I already knew that so I just shrugged and said a simple ok and snapped my fingers.

In my head I chanted, ' bring all who is needed,

to Camp Half Blood with me so that we may be protected against Ghea.( is that how you spell it? )

And then we all appear on Half Blood hill.

But the worst part was, I formed right next to Jacob.

Ok, so the picture is percy, but without the scar k? k.

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