Please kill me now

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Flesh's POV

I stood there, not moving a muscle because of the person standing next to me.

I heard Scar whisper to Angle," Shits about to go down. " 'ain't he right.

What are you thinking bout Luke.

I mind messaged.

I'm thinking a little prank will go great with his ass of an attitude.

Oh. This is going to be fun.

----Leo's POV----

I suddenly formed at the top of Half Blood Hill. I looked around and saw Annabeth skipping over to Jacob. Sometimes I ask myself, why? I mean, with Percy-

I felt the tears start forming in the corner of my eyes.

She just had to make him leave didn't she!

I looked over the Chaos warriors to try and find the leader. What was his name. Oh ya. Flesh. That's pleasant.

I saw him laugh by the way his back moved and the way his mouth moved looked like it was for a bad reason too.

I looked at his jacket all the way down to his shoes. Whoa!! those are some cool shoes!

The shoes where a purple color, but like the sky at night. But what was even cooler was that the 'sparkles' seemed to move!

I snapped out of my trance and looked around to see Flesh and the rest if the warriors no where to be found. But, the rest of the seven ( not including Annabeth ) were walking towards the woods.

I jogged over to them and asked to join them and they just nodded. They have been really down about Percy. So have i, but Im over the fact that he's dead. It's Annabeth that I'm mad at.

We walked through twist and turns till we came to the clearing. The clearing had tons of wild flowers and the grass was about to my knees.

We walked to the middle where, together we all make a statue out of sea stone of Percy and put his backpack at the base.

We all sat around it and talked.

" So how's the Underworld buddy?" I asked

" I hope it's warm en-" Piper said before busting out crying. Jason made his way over like every time and hugged her and tried to get her to stop.

Hazel would go next, but when she didn't, we all looked over to her. She was looking down, pulling the grass.

" What's wrong Hazel?" Frank asked.

I heard a sniff and Hazel looked up.

Wow! He face is covered in tears.

We all ran over to her and comforted her, even Piper who was still crying.

" H-he's n-not!" she said, still trying to breath she was crying that hard.

" Whose not what?"

She sniffed and wiped her nose and eyes( not in that order) and then took a deep breath.

" I was looking in the underworld for Percy, but he wasn't there?! I even asked Pluto but he couldn't find him?!"

Before anyone could respond, we heard a scream come from camp.

It's sounded like Annabeth. Or Jacob. I can never tell.

Jason, Piper, and I all ran over to Camp while Hazel and Frank talked.

When we made it over to camp we saw that Jacob was over in the doorway of the bathrooms.

We all looked at each other and sighed. We walked over there and asked," what's the matter Jacob?"

He jumped and hit his head in the door frame.

We all laughed while he scowled and pointed to the boy's stalls and got up from his ass and walked off muttering something about getting our asses kicked in training.

We all peeked in and saw two shoes in one stall.

One was a it's leg so the person was on the floor while it looked like the other person was standing up. What was even worst is that the one who was standing up had purple converse and the other person had plain black converse.

" I-I'm sure she's j-just helping w-with his z-zipper. " Stuttered Piper over the moans. Ya. Moans!

We backed out quietly and as soon as we were out we froze.

" Those were Flesh's shoes. " I said my eyes wide.

" And Thalia's. " Said Jason.

He suddenly got angry and marched into the bathrooms.

Helllooo!! sorry I didn't update sooner. I might have locked myself out of my account. So whose POV should be next?

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