Crop tops

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It's 2 am and your phone is ringing.

Of course it's no other than Samuel Morgan, begging you to come with him to his "secret place".

You sigh.

"Sam I just ——" he cuts me off "cmon it'll be fun! I promise you won't get caught. I'm pretty good at that stuff." I can feel his smirk through the phone.

I really don't know what to say. I really don't want to get an ass whooping when my parents find out that I left the house at 2 am, running off with a boy my parents barely know.
Sam and I have been good friends for a long time, but we started flirting a while ago. Tonight might be the night. God he's too hot to resist.

He begins laughing through the phone line.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Did you just say "God he's too hot to resist"?" He asks me.

Did i seriously say that out loud?! Jesus I'm so stupid.

"I can still hear you." He says chuckling.

"Oh my god. Alright. You know what? I'm gonna change my clothes and then you better be standing outside in 5." You command him.

"Already here" he pauses "look out the window." He says, making me heat up in flames by the thought of him standing outside my house.

I look out the window just to see Sam standing on the sidewalk with a smirk, holding the phone to his ear.

I blush. "Where's your motorcycle lover boy?" I ask him, watching him blush and bite his lip caused by me calling him lover boy.

"Thought it would be a good idea not to bring it at 2 in the morning." He chuckles, knowing that it would wake up the whole neighborhood.

Silence for a couple of seconds.

"I like your shirt by the way!" He says pointing at my shirt through the window.

I look down at it and realize that it's VERY cropped. I quickly cover the skin of my stomach that is showing, giggling slightly.

"Meet me outside." He says before hanging up.

I change into jeans instead of pajama shorts, slip into my vans and put on my denim jacket just to match Sam. He's also wearing that baseball shirt that you love due to the tightness, showing his slightly toned chest.

I walk out of my room, heading for the front door. I reconsider my actions. Should I really do this?

I stand there for at little while resting my hand on the door knob ready to open it.

"Fxck it" I whisper to myself as I open the door.

I close it taking a deep breath before looking at Sam.

"She's alive!" Sam says with a loud tone.

"Shush you idiot! It's 2 am! You're gonna wake up my parents." I tell him while putting my hand on his mouth.

He grabs my wrist and takes my hand off his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He whispers looking at me unconcerned.

Me on the other hand is shxtting my pants.

I suddenly feel the cold wind onto my stomach. I look down and realize I forgot to change into a more appropriate shirt.

"Ah crap" I swear under my breath.

Sam grabs my chin and looks at me in the eyes.

"It's okay. It looks good on you." He says smirking slightly.

I blush by his comment.

"Alright princess, lets go." He says, putting his arm around my shoulder. The other hand in his pocket.

We start walking towards the destination... wherever it is.

"Sam where are we going?" I ask him.

"You'll see" he says, keeping his eyes forward.

We keep walking until Sam stops up and says something.

"Alright. We're here!" Sam says excited.

I look around. It's literally just a field in the nowhere.

"Uh??" I say in confusion.

"Here" he takes my hand and leads me out in the field. Sending shivers through my whole body.

He takes off his backpack to pull out a blanket and a pillow.

Only one pillow. I know where he's heading. I decide to play dumb, asking him: "why did you only bring one pillow? We're two" I say, looking at the pillow and blanket he's about to spread out on the field.

"Ah damnit, I forgot to bring another pillow! I guess we just have to lie very close." He swings his arm in a dumb way, smirking afterwards, letting me know he did it on purpose.

I chuckle and step closer as he finishes spreading out the blanket.

"C'mere" he pats the space beside him, lying down.

"Alright." I say lazily, as I fall on the blanket beside him.

Our upper bodies are touching.

He doesn't say anything for a while.

"Sam?" I look at him. He looks back at me.

He puts a strand of hair behind my ear. "Mhm?" He mumbles. Gazing into my eyes.

My cheeks start to heat up. Making him chuckle once again.

He plays with my hair for a bit.

He then stops. Looks at me. Silence. Lost in the moment.

I roll on top of him, kissing him lightly, not knowing if he wanted this too.

I get my answer by him not hesitating to kiss me back, even more passionately. His hands grab my hips, making me arch my back. Our kiss getting sloppier. His right hand runs up my back, tugging my crop top's edge slightly, while his left hand caresses my butt, making me moan onto his lips.

He then rolls on top of me, groaning as he places wet kisses on my neck, making me moan even more.

The wet kisses turn into sucking, probably leaving hickeys for the next 5 days.

Fxck he's good at what he does.

I place my left hand on his neck, the other one running down his chest.

He then stops to look at me.

"You should know how long I've been wanting to do this." He looks at me. Not even smirking. Just seriousness. Making me love him even more by knowing he really cares about me. Loves me.

I lift my head from the blanket to kiss him one last time.

"God you're too hot to resist" I say again, this time on purpose.

He smiles at me, rolling me on top of him again, continuing our makeout session.

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