How Sam would be

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• You probably met him out on the street around midnight
• He smirks at you constantly
• High tops for life
• D E N I M
• Steals shit for you all the time
• Teaches you how to climb
• You and Nathan have a strong bond almost like he's your brother
• Sam sneaks into your room at night to cuddle with you (and to probably do more if you know what I mean ;). It's Sam for God's sake)
• Always forgets things
• He laughs every time you blush or do something embarrassing
• Often drags you out of your room at night to take a walk
• He seems like a rebel and harsh type, but is actually very sensitive
• Gives you puppy eyes if you don't wanna kiss him
• Always talks about history which sometimes bores the heck out of you
• And oh Jesus the pirate puns
• "You're such a dork Sam"
• Probably pranks you all the time
• You watch scary movies together every Saturday
• He plays with your hair all the time
• Always scratches his neck when he knows he's done something wrong
• Helps you take your shoes on and off and always ties them for you
• You have way too many of those 'lost in the moment' stares
• He always has his arm around your waist to make sure you're not going anywhere
• If other guys look at you, Sam will smash his lips onto yours to show that you're taken
• Ngl you guys are probably on some sex marathon
• His voice turns really quiet and soft when you're sad

Young Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now