"I'm not staring at you, your sunglasses are mirrored, I'm looking at myself"

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   It had been a long drive already. And the heat wasn't making it any better.

   You, your boyfriend Sam, your friend Melissa and her boyfriend Tom, decided to take a road trip on a hot summer day since everyone was pretty bored anyways. So your friend, Melissa, had planned the trip and the motel you were supposed to sleep at, and you were currently all on your way. Melissa and Tom were sitting up front, and you and Sam sat in the back. And while the other couple were sitting and flirting, listening to the music coming out of the small speakers, you and Sam were right now not in the mood for speaking to each other. This morning before the drive had been a little... tense... and things aren't going so well at the moment.


"Y/N can't you just let it go?" Sam pleaded.

This morning, Crystal - Sam's old girlfriend, called, and was rather interested in hanging out with him again, "since it's been so long since the last time they've been together". Sam didn't have any feelings for her anymore, you were really the only one, besides Nathan, he cared about. But you were cranky this morning, and you didn't believe shit.

"Yeah well what if I don't want to. How can I trust that you don't still have feelings for her?" It flew right out of you. It actually caught you a bit by surprise. You normally wouldn't talk to Sam like that, you two always get along very easily, and you trust and respect each other. Love each other.

His whole expression changed. His eyes widened and mouth opened in disbelief and shock. All those times he'd kissed you and told you that you were perfect. All those times he'd held your hand in public whenever a guy passed by just to make sure the guy knew you were taken by Sam. All those times he'd told you he loved you, and trusted you. Your heart shattered by your own words. You DID trust him. It really just flew out of you.

"Y/N this is stupid, you know I don't feel anything for her anymore," Sam said, finishing his packing and walking up to you. He sighed looking into your eyes. He put a finger under your chin, lightly lifting your face to make your E/C eyes meet his brown ones. "I love YOU, alright?" Instead of doing what you should've done, which was telling him that you loved him too, and going on with your lives like before, you just scoffed and walked past him. "Let's go meet up with the other guys."

Current situation again:

   Your eyes met Sam's for a split second, and you just turned your head away immediately, looking out the window and into the boring view. You honestly didn't know why you were so mad at him. He hadn't done anything. He actually told he to fuck off - politely of course. He didn't do anything wrong. You were really just in that annoyed mood today.

   "Hey guys whaddya say we stop at the next gas station and get something to eat before we continue?" Melissa obviously tried to make the situation less tense. They could feel the awkwardness between Sam and I all the way up front.

"Sounds good"
"Sounds good"

   You both said at the same time, making you look at each other. Him looking at you with a slight smile, you with still an annoyed look. Sam really tried to make it up to you. He's been offering you candy and soda the whole drive. You've said no most of the times, which would make Sam frown since he really just wanted to kiss you again soon. But you, not even wanting some simply candy from him, ruined his mood completely.

   So you stopped at the next gas station. Melissa and Tom went inside to order a couple of burgers, meanwhile you and Sam stayed in the car. You had turned your bodies with your back up against each of your door, facing each other on the backseat. He held out the bag of candy towards you with pleading eyes. "Cmon, take some," he said quietly. You took a couple of pieces without a thank you and leaned back again. Through your sunglasses, you could see him looking at you. You tilted up your head slightly. "Stop staring at me," you said coldly. "I'm not staring at you, your sunglasses are mirrored, I'm looking at myself," Sam said in all seriousness, obviously given up on trying to make you smile. Though you did secretly crack a smile, and he did too.

   And it wasn't true, Sam was looking at you, but he didn't wanna admit that.

   Melissa and Tom soon returned with the burgers, and you all ate them in a hurry so you could arrive at that motel you were supposed to sleep at. Sam kept looking at you with puppy eyes the rest of the drive, but you didn't bother look at him, because you knew his eyes could crack you any moment.


   "Goodnight guys!" They yelled before entering their room. "Night!" We said before entering ours. The time was around 23:45, and we were all just in a need to sleep. As soon as Sam closed the door behind us he spoke up.

   "I'm sorry, okay?" He said with an incredibly soft voice. Sam didn't like fighting with you. Hence why you never did. He always wanted you the best and he couldn't stand seeing you sad. He gave you some space today, but it honestly killed him, and there had been several moments where he really just wanted to grab you and hug you.

   You turned around slowly. Looking into his eyes that were threatening to spill tears. And that made your eyes almost spill some too.

   "I don't like when we fight, and I just wanna talk, okay? You know I don't like Crystal, hell I don't even know how she found my number again. I love you Y/N, you know that, and I trust you, so why can't you trust me?" His voice cracked. You gave up, let your tears spill and you walked up to him to meet him in a warm embrace.

   "I'm sorry too. And I do trust you, I really do, I've just been in a weird mood today and I let it all out on you, I'm really sorry," you say, crying silently into his chest. He runs his hand up your back and lets his fingers comb your hair. "It's okay Y/N, it alright," You broke to hug to look at him. "I love you a lot," you run your fingers through his hair. "I love you too, babe," he pecks your lips. "No more fighting, hmm?" He asks, kissing your forehead. You nod your head in agreement before you both slip into your pajamas and go to bed happily, hopefully getting a better start tomorrow.


This was so bad, I'm so sorry, I really need to get back on track🥵

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