Watch it, babe

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As you're sitting on your bed, trying to watch tv but failing miserably as you're to reckless too sit still. It's been like this for days. Nothing to do. It's doesn't help that the whole family is out either. Let alone your friend, Sam, is busy working and you haven't heard from him since last Tuesday. So what now? Now you change into pajamas... or... your panties and a tank top. After brushing your teeth, you go back to your room. Just as you were about to try and sleep, even though you know you wouldn't be able to, a faint knock comes from your window.

You practically run out of bed, already knowing who's coming to rescue you from your empty, hollow state of mind.

You roll up the curtains and open the window.

"Hey there sweetheart" - Sam sounds almost exhausted. Is that blood running from his eyebrow? It's hard to tell in the darkness.

"Hey— is everything okay?" - You help him get inside. He almost trips and falls into your closet door. "Hey Hey Hey" - You hold him steady. "Sam are you okay?" - You turn on your bedside lamp to get a better look at him. You were right. It was blood running from his eyebrow. And his cheekbone.

"Holy shit, Sam, what happened?"
"Nothing, I just— kinda got in a fight with some people I shouldn't have messed with."
"Sam goddamnit, they could've killed you!" - Tears start running down your cheeks before hugging him. He hugs you back with the last energy in his body.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but I need someone to stitch me up, and you were the first person to pop up in my mind." - Sam looks at you apologetically.
"No Sam it's fine, here sit down" - He sits down as you study his face. His eyes traveling down your body as a smirk plasters his face. Alright, maybe he's not totally beat up.
"Okay you stay here while I get some stuff, alright?" - He nods to your question as you proceed to find the first aid kit.

You come back and sit down in front of him, wiping away the blood and rinsing the cuts.

"Y'know you're kinda cute when you're all concentrated." - Sam looks you in the eye as he smiles weakly.

It didn't even take him more than 0.2 seconds to figure out where to get help. He knew you'd help him. He wanted to go to your house. You've never been his second choice. You've always been his first priority and he's always been yours. It's clear that there's something in the air. But wether it's friendship or love... you're not sure yet. But you damn well know that you're in love with him.

"Psh" - You hit your elbow against his chest.
"Ow, watch it babe" - Sam instantly regrets calling you by that name, but gets over it immediately as you blush by the sweet nickname. Babe. Is that what he sees you as? Or are you just making this up because you're so in love with him?
"Got another cut on your chest, bad boy?"
"In fact I do, baby girl" - Sam replies, pulling off his shirt— oh sweet mercy. Please don't ever put your shirt back on, please please please—
Sam tilts your head up with a smirk, giving you the cotton ball. A red color stains your cheeks as you realize you've just sat there and stared at his bare, toned chest for approximately 10 seconds.
"Ah... thanks" - You grab the ball and dab the cut, fixing up the last bit.

You finish and look at him.
"You're all done."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" - Sam looks at you. He looks down at your lips.
"What, got more cuts?"
"I actually have one on my lip..." - His voice gets quieter as he focuses on your eyes and lips. He grabs your waist and pulls you up to sit on his lap.
"I can help you with that." - You whisper, biting your lip.
"Oh yeah?" - He whispers back.
"Mhm." - You hum before Sam connects his lips with yours, making you place your arms around his neck. His lips move against yours with gentle but passionate movements, as your bodies melt together.
You part your lips to take a look at each other. Sam looks at you in a concerned way, waiting for you to respond with another kiss. You chuckle and grab his face, kissing him once again with even more lust and passion this time.

"Thank you doctor." - Sam smiles and looks at you.

"No problem babe." - You respond before Sam falls back into the bed with you.

Young Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now