Party Ditching

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June 27th, 2019

Books, homework, studying, school:

Finally... summer break! No more shitty days full of boring tests and all that. Can it get any better?
It can.
I didn't know that yet, though.
I didn't know that a boy was gonna come into my life and change it completely yet.

Until then, this is what happens:

June 30th, 2019

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, sun coming over the horizon and the best part: no alarm. I stretch out and think about the endless possibilities of what to do today. I made a small list in my head of what I could do:

1. Go skating
2. Hang out in the park
3. Read
4. Netflix
5. Hang out with friends

Since my head is still tired from all that school, I decide to stay in today. Maybe a movie-marathon? Hmm perhaps. My family's out anyways, so who's to stop me from watching Netflix all day? God I'm such a boring person. What am I doing? Like really? While my friends are out partying, having fun, getting laid, I'm here at home in my pajamas, watching documentaries about vanished children from the 1990's.

Whatever. The summer break just started anyways, I have lots of time to get out of the house later.

And so the day went on; watching Netflix, sleeping in between boring parts of the documentary, unfortunately making me miss some of the info, forcing me to rewind. Again and again. The time is currently 9:46 pm.

A faint "woohoo" comes from outside your window, making me pause the series and look out. A group of drunk people stumble around on the sidewalk, probably coming from a party.

A party.

"Everybody's sure having fun already." I say to myself as I lean against the windowsill, contemplating wether or not I should check it out. I bite my lip and furrow my eyebrows. I look over at my closet. Should I change and go?

Yes. Yes I should.

So I slip out of my pajamas and put on a pair of black jeans, a crop top, a cardigan and my black converse.

So I slip out of my pajamas and put on a pair of black jeans, a crop top, a cardigan and my black converse

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"Okay" I say before grabbing the keys and my phone; heading out of the front door.

I follow the sound of music and figure its about a block away. Must be the popular girl having yet another party. As if she hasn't already held about 30 parties the last month.

I arrive at the destination and look up at the house.

God I hate parties. Not fun. At all. Always drunk bodies swarming around.

But I enter the house anyways.

I step inside to see a house full of happy people, dancing to the loud music that you could probably hear all the way from Africa. Trying to fit in, I smile at everyone and grab a soda. I've never really been a fan of beer, so I keep it PG.

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