Samuel Morgan Headcannons

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Short little headcannon thing for young Sam


How Sam is in bed:

Sam is very dominant but reassuring in bed. He doesn't mind if you're the dominant once in a while. He makes sure that you're enjoying every bit of it - not hard to enjoy it because it's Sam duh - but he isn't afraid to literally bang your brains out. Sam knows his way around pleasing you like none other, knows your spots and turn ons, and never fails to get you off. Sam will also get turned on every hour, so you guys have sex literally everywhere.
Sam would definitely get the record of "best guy in bed" in the Guinness World Records.

Likes: Hearing you moan, watching your responses to his actions, when you tug his hair, when you bite his lip, when you just do anything in general lol Sam gets aroused so easily

Dislikes: When you take too much control

What Sam likes to eat:

Sam is your typical boy. He likes a good steak or a burger - keeps him satisfied and never lets him down. He's open to trying new foods, but will most likely stick to what he loves. He eats whatever he can get though, but prefers not too many vegetables.

Sam's secret turn on and offs:

Turn ons: When you bite your lip, when you trace a finger down his spine, when you call him baby, when you moan in his ear, when you walk around in underwear and a messy bun, but again: literally anything you do or say turns him on

Turn offs: Arrogance, when you don't wanna kiss or cuddle, greed, jealousy, when you ignore him

What Sam calls you:

Sam will most likely call you baby, baby girl or babe

What Sam wants to do on a Friday night:

A list of things:
1: Have sex. All night. Every minute
2. Watch a movie and cuddle
3. Eat pizza
4. Have deep conversations with you
5. Just lots of kissing. Because he freaking loves you

What Sam wants as gifts:

Sam doesn't want anything. He doesn't expect anything. He specifically told you not to buy him anything because he feels like he's imposing. However, you'll still take him out on a cute date - which is enough to make his heart melt.

What he'll mostly talk about:

You; because you're absolutely gorgeous and perfect to him, motorcycles, history, just random thoughts that run through his mind - which leads up to many many many interesting convos.

Sam will also come up with the most stupid but hilarious jokes 24/7.

Where he likes being touched/kissed:

Back, neck, jaw, happy trail, shoulders

What he first noticed about you:

Either your smile, eyes or hair. Though he thinks every piece of you is breathtaking.

How you two go to bed:

Sam will obviously cuddle up with you - very closely. He likes to be big spoon, but won't mind being little spoon sometimes. He'll trace his fingers up and down your sides and play with your hair. He'll kiss your shoulder and neck. He'll fall asleep with his fingers intertwined with yours and keep you close throughout the whole night.

How you two wake up:

You'll probably wake up to him, having his arm around your waist, holding you protectively in place, close to his chest. He'll say good morning in his sleepy, raspy voice and kiss you a million times before getting up and making breakfast with you. You're most likely to wake up before him.

What kinda dog he'd want:

He'd want a golden retriever or at German shepherd. He doesn't mind cats either, but he prefers something a little bigger and stronger.

What kind of arguments you'd have:

You'd argue over his job - his very little amount of free time. He has to support himself and Nathan, so he obviously has to work a lot. Most of the time you're used to it. Sometimes it'd just be nice if he could be there more often. And you always worry about him, since his jobs aren't the most safe jobs. But he assures you that he knows what he's doing and promises you that he'll be there for you at all times. And he keeps his promise.

What his favorite movies are:

Indiana Jones, Star Wars and James Bond. He likes the classics.

How your first kiss was:

It was at night and he was sleeping over. You were sitting in your bed, you in your pajamas and him in his boxers, talking about future plans and dreams. Sam suddenly found himself lost in your eyes, even though he couldn't see much in the dark. He's had feelings for you for a while at this point, and you had too. So while you were talking about something, Sam grabbed your face with his hand and kissed you. You kissed him back immediately and you were tangled up the whole night afterwards.

How many kids Sam wants:

None. Zero. Forget it.

His music taste:

He's "a man of many tastes" as he quotes himself, but mostly listens to rock. He likes the little wilder rock 80s hits, but will also listen to sensual songs on occasions.

(You can check out the original "Uncharted 4: Sam Drake" playlist on Spotify! It's actually pretty good)

What he'll wear:

He will wear comfortable clothes. Jeans and whatever shirt he can find in his closet. It doesn't really matter though, because his clothes always seem to fly off when he's with you ;)

No but really, when you're at his apartment, he's most likely to walk around shirtless and with grey sweatpants. Not a bad sight.

Small preferences of his:

Dogs > cats

Motorcycles > cars

Night > day

You & Nathan > anyone

Denim > any other fabric lol


Sorry for this meh stuff again. Haven't had any ideas, so please leave request in comments. I'll do anything! ♥️

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